Ithyanna, Last Daughter of Atlantis

Book I

Fiction - Fantasy - General
306 Pages
Reviewed on 06/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Liz Konkel for Readers' Favorite

Ityanna, Last Daughter of Atlantis by Don Edward Cook is the first book in this exciting new series. Noah gave a warning that nobody believed. He predicted that a terrible flood would soon end the world but only his family took him seriously. Following this prediction, a series of signs points to the fulfillment of ancient prophecies but still no one wants to believe in an impending doomsday. The only one who took Noah’s accounts to heart is Ithyanna who uses her doctoral research to create a space ark that will provide a safe way to avoid destruction. Still, many don’t believe her and several refuse to participate in her project. She doesn’t let this deter her from developing the Project Life-Escape. As progress is made in building, doomsday draws ever closer and she faces a mix of challenges that threaten her success. As the dreaded day arrives, the truth of the prophecies is brought to life and Ithyanna finally gets answers to the biggest question: is a flood coming?

Ithyanna is self-assured and intelligent, two qualities that allow her to stand firm against scoffing and skepticism. She knows what she believes and spends the course of the story staying true to that belief. She’s the central figure akin to Noah who goes against the masses and creates an ark that she believes will save them from a flood. Don Edward Cook blends elements of science into this story from the location to small clever details such as video-crystals and the way letters are addressed. Jargon is incorporated to help create the otherworldly aspects of the setting but is never difficult to understand or overly included. Most of the language is straightforward so it is always easy to understand and never takes you out of the story world. The religious elements are derived from the story of Noah’s ark with the scoffing masses, dreams, impending flood, and the ark. However, you still don’t know what to expect from the outcome of the story and Cook provides plenty of surprises. The format is interesting as a countdown creates suspense and a foreboding sense of doom keeps you turning the page to see what happens next. Ithyanna, Last Daughter of Atlantis is a unique take on Atlantis that blends biblical references, science fiction, and well-crafted characters to deliver a story that is exciting, new, and dramatic.