It's a Terrible Day (Not Really)

Let's Count by Twos

Children - Educational
38 Pages
Reviewed on 06/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Louise Hill for Readers' Favorite

It's a Terrible Day (Not Really): Let's Count by Twos by Nan Evenson is an educational picture book for young children. If your little one is learning to count, then they need this book to lead them to success. It's a rainy day for Charlie and Lisa, which can only mean one thing, counting in twos! Have your child follow these characters as they guide them in fun and exciting ways of counting in twos. Not only will they learn, but they will enjoy every moment.

It's a Terrible Day (Not Really): Let's Count by Twos is a great book to start teaching your child to count. They may be reluctant at first, but as soon as they dive into this fun book, they won't want to put it down and will be counting in twos nonstop. Nan Evenson has designed her book to attract young readers and keep their attention throughout. As an adult, I still found reading this story to be enjoyable which says a lot about the quality of work that has been put into it. From the writing, right down to the illustrations, Nan has thought of everything when it comes to keeping children focused, which all parents know is a difficult task. The illustrations by Karina Matkevych are adorable and colorful and nicely complement the book. Keep up the good work, Nan; you and Karina have made a great team in creating this book. I hope to read more of your work soon.