Kenna, the Produce Princess

The Crown of Confidence

Children - Picture Book
38 Pages
Reviewed on 07/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

“I can do anything.” Those are powerful words to live by. Kenna has to learn all about what that means. In Katey Jo Evans’ Kenna, the Produce Princess, one little girl, Kenna, is crowned from birth, told by her parents that she is a princess: “Kenna, you are a princess, born and bred. It is evident by that crown on your head.” But was she? Her father was a farmer and she wandered the fields wondering what she really was. At the fall fair, she meets a real queen, or so she believed. This ‘queen’ encourages Kenna to enter the watermelon seed spitting contest, but things don’t go too well at first and she is overwhelmed by the audience watching her fail time after time. But a few words from the queen is all she needs: “Kenna, don’t be misled. A princess is who you are in your heart.”

Katey Jo Evans’s picture book, Kenna, the Produce Princess: The Crown of Confidence, is a delightful story full of powerful messages. Told in rhyming verse, the author uses simple language to help young readers follow along and improve their reading skills. The illustrations are bright, bold, and colorful and bring the story alive. The plot follows young Kenna as she goes about her daily life on the farm, trying to find a reason to feel like a princess. She learns through her parents, but also from the watermelon queen she meets at the local fair. The message shared is clear: it doesn’t matter what you are in life or who you are, but rather how you feel deep inside. That’s what makes you someone special: a prince or a princess, a queen or a king. Believing in yourself and showing self-confidence is what makes you strong. You can’t give up: not on yourself or on anything you choose to do. What you believe, and how you believe in yourself is what defines you. A beautiful story. I loved it.