Land of the Story Tellers

24 Stories and 7 Poems

Fiction - Anthology
532 Pages
Reviewed on 10/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Stephen Deck’s Land of the Story Tellers: 24 Stories and 7 Poems is a diverse and captivating anthology that pulls the reader through various experiences, periods, and emotions. The book’s long journey to publication feels like the culmination of an author’s dedication to observing life and carefully crafting what matters most in storytelling. The anthology is a rich tapestry of variety in subject matter and tone. These stories excel in exploring the rawness of human emotions and relationships.

The variety of stories and the calming layout piqued my interest, and I knew this was a book I had to read. I wasn’t disappointed. In “Texas Hardpan” and “Hillcrest Cemetery,” Deck seamlessly moves between thematic introspection and the supernatural, offering compelling and thought-provoking stories. “Practicing Law” ventures across the Atlantic to Ireland, combining history, tragedy, and political tension, while “Dolly Dagger” is a poignant Vietnam War tale. Deck’s portrayal of a wounded veteran grappling with physical and emotional scars is authentic and honors those who served. Deck’s ability to create engaging settings and solid, well-fleshed characters makes this a thought-provoking read that will appeal to readers of all ages and genres. The poems are as good as the stories. My favorite is “Schools Out” because it’s so nostalgic, and “Swamp Serenade” is a close second with its portrayal of Poe’s “The Lake.” Land of the Story Tellers is an unforgettable anthology that sticks with you for its diverse storytelling and the masterful way it’s written.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

“Stephen King once revealed along the lines that a writer must be willing to roll in the words. Read all the classics of literature – for here is buried the magic key that can move mountains in storytelling.” I have fond memories of curling up at my dad’s feet on a Saturday night when the family gathered by the fireside for a night of storytelling. Dad had a great voice for telling stories and a great number of books full of stories. Stephen Deck’s Land of the Story Tellers reminds me of those cherished childhood moments. His collection of short stories and poems reflects the profound and sometimes very simple nature of life. The Old Lady is a story about volunteers who devote their lives to caring for others while Pencil Box is a tale from the heart of Central Park in New York, where an iconic green park bench is inscribed with the words: “For All the Dreamers.”

Stephen Deck’s book, Land of the Story Tellers: 24 Stories and 7 Poems, is an anthology of words of wisdom and reflections on life. The author/poet’s ability to control the power of the English language to tell a simple, yet compelling story, time and again, is paramount in this collection. He is well-read in the classics as he writes in a wide range of styles, a master of the artistic ability to spin a great tale. He writes about real-life events, as well as fictional themes that reflect life. This is a fascinating collection of stories and poems to be savored and enjoyed each day, one entry at a time. Profoundly artistic, thrilling, adventurous and captivating.

K.C. Finn

Land of the Story Tellers: 24 Stories and 7 Poems by Stephen Deck is an anthology of American fiction, featuring a collection of stories and poems that span 25 years. The tales range from war veterans in The Old Lady to familial love in May Rain, from the sanctifying grace in Texas Hardpan to the scars in Dolly Dagger. Each story delves into the human experience, exploring themes of love, loss, redemption, and resilience, with vivid characters facing life's challenges in raw and moving ways. This is a brilliant collection of classic American tales that showcase a variety of attitudes and ideals across the diverse landscape of recent American history. There’s both a disparate and unifying feel to the work, with dialogue and descriptions that bring American politics, humor, satire, and deep personal drama to life, but also subvert stereotypes for surprises and realism in each plot.

Stephen Deck’s keen observation of people and conversations infuses the stories with authenticity, making each character and setting feel remarkably real as the dynamic and often very witty dialogue leaps from the pages to make you chuckle or gasp out loud. His versatility as a storyteller lets readers experience different emotional landscapes as well as physical ones, taking them in one moment through the horrendous pangs of loss and grieving, and in the next, the giddy highs of love, nostalgia, and hope. His ability to explore deep scars of memory and experience through his protagonists adds vulnerability and truth to every tale to make the characters feel all the more real. The anthology truly captures the age-old humanism of storytelling and the culture of stories themselves. Overall, Land of the Story Tellers is a poignant, thought-provoking, and memorable read that fans of accomplished short-form fiction everywhere are sure to adore.

Asher Syed

Land of the Story Tellers by Stephen Deck is a collection of original short stories and poetry, each one reading independently. They all range in length, tone, and tenor with most leaning into themes of conflict and consequence. The Long Wait follows Nick, a devoted deer hunter who remains in his tree stand, waiting for the mystical buck to appear, with a twist ending. Watering Cans describes the experiences of an American stationed in Cessole, Italy during WWII, who engages in vineyard work and witnesses the local impact of Benito Mussolini's downfall in the broader wartime context. The Jackass in the Road tells of a paralyzed jackass during the devastation of war, shifting to a vengeful Russian assault on Germans driven by a history of suffering, and a death march to Siberia.

Stephen Deck's Land of the Story Tellers: 24 Stories and 7 Poems demonstrates Deck's command of storytelling, showing us his keen eye for detail and a unique understanding of human profiles. I found the writing to be authentic, and the author captures the essence of his characters with striking clarity, whether depicting personal loss, historical events, or true-to-life relationships. I loved the incorporation of poetry and, my very favorite aspect, the inclusion of pop culture pieces with a special shout-out to Led Zeppelin. While all of these might seem like a mixed bag, the amalgamation absolutely works on account of Deck's skilled handling. Overall, this collection stands out as a singular anthology in its exploration of universal themes through engrossing and persuasive storytelling.

Pikasho Deka

Land of the Story Tellers is a collection of 24 short stories and 7 poems by Stephen Deck. "The Old Lady" follows a woman who, after spending over three decades volunteering at a soldiers' home, is plagued by pangs of loneliness in her elder years. Two men with checkered pasts try to make amends for their former misdeeds on Easter Eve in "The Mexicans." "Land of the Story Tellers" follows the adventures of a Croatian fan in an Irish pub on the matchday of the 2018 World Cup Final. In "Field of Dreams," a man stops by a farm road to pick some berries and develops a deeper appreciation for the amiable farmers on a hot summer's day. A young boy helps a batch of baby turtles experience water for the first time in "First Steps."

Land of the Story Tellers is an enthralling anthology that will delight short story lovers and poetry readers alike. Stephen Deck's tales explore many different facets of the human experience, narrated through the POV of protagonists who face their own unique challenges and situations in life. These stories feature some vividly drawn and grounded characters, who come from diverse backgrounds and are at different stages of their lives. Each tale has its own set of surprises in store for the reader, adding rich and distinct flavors of life to the narrative. The book also contains seven captivating poems that are bound to bring joy to any poetry enthusiast. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this anthology. If you're looking for a quiet evening read and love short stories, this is the perfect book for you.