Legend of Sumeria

Life · Blood · DNA

Fiction - Graphic Novel/Comic
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 03/02/2018
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jack Magnus for Readers' Favorite

Legend of Sumeria: Life · Blood · DNA is a high-tech, hard science fiction graphic novel written by Jay Webb and Dr. Biju Parekkadan. Webb launched an independent film production company in 2004. Dr. Parekkadan is an award-winning Professor of Biomedical Engineering focusing on cell and genetic engineering. This graphic novel is the result of their combined efforts. The story takes place in the near future, June 2027, where genetic programming is employed for the benefit of mankind with terrifying results. A pandemic, called the Code Flu, is being treated with a vaccine that has far-reaching implications. The story follows the lives of Dr. Bruce Abbott and his brother, Jack, Senalli, a world leader, Tessa, an astronaut who discovers an alien civilization on a distant planet, and Henry, an FBI agent who has a family mystery to uncover.

Jay Webb and Dr. Biju Parekkadan’s Legend of Sumeria: Life · Blood · DNA will have readers second guessing their decisions to have their DNA analyzed by one of the many companies out there offering to help you find lost relatives. This hard hitting and intricately plotted novel posits a technical world gone awry primarily because of its technology -- albeit aided by the current trend toward handing all science and research matters over to the private sector. I especially enjoyed following Henry as he discovers the secret of the family symbol and watching as Tessa learns to interact with the alien Silverbacks on Kepler Z. That said, Legend of Sumeria is neither an easy nor a light read, despite its graphic novel format. Webb and Parekkadan have created a nuanced and complex story that deserves at least two careful readings to begin to make the connections between the stories that are woven throughout it. The graphics are prodigious and lovely, and the illustrators, artists and pencilers are given well-deserved recognition in the front of the book. Their work is phenomenal. This book is phenomenal. It’s a hard read at times, but the effort will be well worth it for the right reader. Legend of Sumeria: Life · Blood · DNA is most highly recommended.

Bruce Arrington

Legend of Sumeria: Life · Blood · DNA by Jay Webb and Dr. Biju Parekkadan is a graphic novel with science fiction, action and philosophical elements intermingled. Its theme is multi-layered, with a scientist with blood as a world’s cure at one of its roots. The world needs a cure that only one person can provide. All are following this path to health and safety. Or are they? And should they? And the idea of exploring another world and its alien inhabitants takes the reader in yet another direction. This project was obviously a major undertaking, involving several different artists who contributed to the work. Their creative styles are present in the chapters they built into the story.

First, the reader needs to be aware that this is an adult novel, with language and situations not meant for the younger age group. Often the feeling is gritty, pulling from the human experiences where people act like…well, people. Others are more civilized, and so the story has a futuristic feel while being realistic at the same time. The art work is well done, and the science, though complex and interwoven, is still presented in a way that is understandable. Various time contexts, philosophies and theories come together to present an exciting story with many characters and situations. Those who enjoy science fiction and reading a graphic novel should find this an interesting story. Legend of Sumeria: Life · Blood · DNA by Jay Webb and Dr. Biju Parekkadan takes a complex plot spanning the galaxy and other life forms and brings it all together for a thrilling read.