Let Me Say This, Again

Fiction - Drama
250 Pages
Reviewed on 08/17/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Tracy A. Fischer for Readers' Favorite

Whoa! Drama, drama, drama! That’s definitely what you’ll get when you read Let Me Say This, Again by B. Swangin Webster, following the story of Cheryl, our protagonist, as she is trying to adjust to her life since her divorce from Kevin. Kevin, both emotionally and physically abusive towards Cheryl, still controls her and Cheryl is desperately struggling to make a clean break. Trying to move forward in a positive relationship with her new boyfriend, Matthew, Cheryl finds that it’s much harder to do in reality than she thought. And when she finds that Matthew has some of his own baggage from the past, well, that throws a whole new spin on things.

I think all of us have friends like Cheryl. Women who are worth a whole lot more than they believe, and who get themselves into relationships in which they are abused and controlled by the very people who purport to love them. B. Swangin Webster writes as if she’s experienced this in life, perhaps on her own or through someone very close to her, and her descriptions ring true to life. Her characters are very real and jump off the page, and you’ll find yourself truly rooting for Cheryl; that she’ll somehow get the life she dreams of. Let Me Say This, Again would appeal to any reader who enjoys stories about complicated relationships, fiction, a bit of spicy romance, or stories of renewal and redemption. Loved the cover! I really liked this story. This was the first book that I’ve read by author B. Swangin Webster, and I certainly look forward to what she has to offer us in the future.