Love Awakens You

A Surprisingly Refreshing Guide On Reconnecting with Peace, Happiness and Self-Confidence

Non-Fiction - Self Help
172 Pages
Reviewed on 06/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Do fear and doubt hinder you from chasing your dreams? Do you feel anxious and stressed when facing life's unexpected challenges? Open yourself to love and banish fear in its myriad forms with Love Awakens You, Cindi Buckley's transformative guide, to help you unlock your fullest potential and become the best version of yourself. The book is divided into five sections, which include inspirational sayings, affirmative 4-line verses, a deep dive into some important topics related to life, meditation exercises, and reflections on various ideas. You will learn to open yourself to new thoughts and ideas, be compassionate and forgiving, trust your intuition, practice gratitude, kindness, self-love, embrace change, and much more. Additionally, Buckley explores how fear clouds one's judgment through the ego and encourages readers to be patient and have faith to walk the path of healing and hope.

Love Awakens You is exactly the empowering self-help guide people need to navigate hectic schedules and the everyday rigors of modern life. The inspirational sayings and verses featured in this book act as life affirmations and contain some poignant insights and truths about various facets of life. Inspired by her own personal experiences, Cindi Buckley advocates the importance of faith and belief in God to live a life of contentment and happiness without fear and doubt. I found this book not only inspirational but also enlightening and spiritually invigorating. The author presents the contents in an accessible writing style that makes it a breeze to read. I will definitely revisit this book from time to time. Highly recommended.