Reviewed by Jack Magnus for Readers' Favorite
More Trouble in Loveland: Timeless Romance Single, Book 6 is a holiday-themed contemporary romantic comedy novel written by Jennifer Peel. Charlee’s life was chaotic at best. Her dad was getting married to Felicity on Christmas Eve, and Charlee still had her finals to face before coming to grips with the craziness of Christmas. She and her new husband, Ryan, would be getting away for a seven-day holiday vacation in Beaver Creek, and, best of all, they’d be able to take Josh, Ryan’s young son, along with them as his ex-wife was going to Europe with her current beau. The only real problem was that Charlee seemed to be coming down with something. She figured that it was some virus that Josh, whom she adored and who was starting to call her ‘mom’, had brought home from school, but one of her classmates, an older woman named Penny, declared that she was pregnant. Charlee knew she and Ryan had been very careful about family planning and were waiting until after her practicum was completed, so it couldn’t be that, could it?
Jennifer Peel’s holiday-themed contemporary romantic comedy novel, More Trouble in Loveland, is a humorous and enjoyable tale about a dream vacation that goes hilariously south after Ryan and Charlee finds themselves sharing their suite with mothers-in-law and a host of unexpected guests with enough issues to keep the two of them at their wits’ end. I especially appreciated the author’s development of Charlee and her relationship with her father, whose shared enjoyment of an impromptu pickup game of basketball is a joy to behold. Peel also addresses relevant issues such as shared parenting and mothers-in-law in this comedy which proves that Murphy’s Law is real and apt to strike when one least expects it. More Trouble in Loveland: Timeless Romance Single, Book 6 is most highly recommended.