My Heart Attack Saved my Life ••• But For What?

Follow one woman's path to discover how change can bring you freedom.

Non-Fiction - Health - Fitness
178 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Bruce Arrington for Readers' Favorite

My Heart Attack Saved My Life, But For What? by Susan Smith is a reflective, true account of someone on the treadmill of life, when suddenly the treadmill is derailed, life alters course, and the bottom falls out. This book recounts a series of other stories besides the one about her heart attack, and at the end of each of these, the reader has the opportunity to stop, reflect, and perhaps weigh up some life choices. For the author, it was a heart attack that her body suffered for quite a bit of time that finally forced her to stop, assess, and begin to heal. Not only that, but a mini-stroke along the way added to her daily living challenges.

The writing style is engaging, straight to the point, and doesn’t get in the way of her message. Some books are filled to the brim with platitudes and words that don’t mean much or add to the message being portrayed. But not this one. Susan gets right to the heart of what happened to her in admirable detail, and how she responded to those events. A book like this can help those in similar life situations. It provides some guidance and thought process about how to proceed from debilitating conditions, preventing us from going around and doing those normal and ‘easy’ things we are so used to doing, and often without thinking. It also helps us to go back to previous events in life and see things differently. My Heart Attack Saved My Life, But For What? by Susan Smith is a recommended read.