Persuasive Leadership

Mastering the Art of Influence in Business and in Life

Non-Fiction - Anthology
214 Pages
Reviewed on 08/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Being a leader isn't just about being financially successful but also elevating the people around you and maximizing their growth potential. In Persuasive Leadership, Alina Rutkowska, the founder and CEO of Leaders Press, presents a leadership model for growth and success through persuasion. The book features inspirational personal stories and insights by leaders from diverse backgrounds, such as business owners, senior executives, CEOs, entrepreneurs, life coaches, etc. You will learn about the required traits of a good leader, including empathy, passion, resilience, and adaptability, the six principles of persuasion, the six tenets of persuasive leadership, the importance of innovation in leadership, and much more. The book also delves into the keys to success and the core values of a good leader. Additionally, readers will discover the secrets to building a career, overcoming failure to find success, and building successful start-ups.

Begin your leadership journey today with the help of successful leaders from a spectrum of fields. Persuasive Leadership is your go-to guide to unleash the leader within you and set your course toward the path of success and fulfillment. Author Alina Rutkowska does a brilliant job of assembling the stories of leaders from a variety of fields who draw from their wealth of knowledge and experience to share some helpful nuggets of wisdom on leadership and everything it entails. The book encourages future leaders to be confident, approachable, likable, and compassionate. This is one of the best motivational books on leadership I've ever read. Whether you're a business owner or a senior executive in a company, this book is a must-read. Highly recommended!