Phoenix Rising: Initiation

The Trybrid Chronicles

Fiction - Visionary
372 Pages
Reviewed on 08/10/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Phoenix Rising: Initiation is a work of fiction in the visionary, sci-fi, fantasy, and adventure subgenres. The work is suitable for the general adult and older teen audiences. Penned by author Rebecca A Nagy, this enthralling epic marries elements of ancient aliens, angels, witches, and vampires into a tale centered around the spiritual odyssey of Ayesha, High Priestess of Sirius. An inadvertent transgression during the fall of Atlantis has cost Ayesha immortality and separated her from her soulmate, Manu. This act sets in motion a complex prophecy that consigns her to the cycle of human rebirths until she can balance her karma by becoming one of the Seven Aquarian Avatars. Cassandra's birth heralds the next stage in human evolution, but she also becomes a target, marking her both as a symbol and a threat.

Author Rebecca A Nagy has crafted a novel that beautifully blends fantastical elements with profound symbolism and reality, guiding readers to reflect on their own life's journey whilst enjoying a truly epic adventure tale. The novel embarks on a spiritual and cosmic journey as Cassandra's initiation approaches, and I was deeply impressed by the mood and atmosphere from the descriptive talents of the writer. As Cassandra navigates self-discovery, destiny, courage, and sacrifice, her narrative mirrors the timeless struggle of humanity, and the plot travels through well-timed peaks and troughs to keep readers compelled but also allow time for reflection. This narrative is an intricate dance between mythos and reality, filled with a confident authorial voice that assures the reader they are in good hands as they watch the characters discover their path. Overall, Phoenix Rising: Initiation kindles the flames of destiny and invites you to rise alongside Cassandra, echoing the essence of humanity's enduring voyage through the crucible of existence.

Alex Ndirangu

Get ready for the ultimate smackdown featuring immortals, celestials, demons, and elements in Rebecca A. Nagy's Phoenix Rising: Initiation, The Trybrid Chronicles. The Brotherhood has been waiting millennia for the Age of Aquarius, a golden age when Earth will shift into a higher dimension and take its Sacred Initiation. When it happens, the Forces of Light will fight the inevitable battle with the Dark Brotherhood to control the soon-to-be sacred planet Earth. The ancient prophecy continues that Seven Aquarian Avatars will lead groups of people in their part of the world to the next step in human evolution. Only then will there be a more direct connection to the Radiant One, and all living creatures reach their true potential. But the Seventh Avatar is yet to be identified. After making a grave mistake during the fall of Atlantis and losing her immortality, Ayesha, the High Priestess of Sirius and the missing key, had to enter the human wheel of karma and live countless lives until now. With the imbalance nearing rectification, Ayesha, presently reincarnated as Cassandra Oberon, begins to experience some of the talents and abilities leading toward the zenith of her power. Her emergence doesn't go unnoticed. The quickening of the full moon of Aquarius is fast approaching, and the Dark Brotherhood will stop at nothing to drag the unsuspecting Seventh Avatar into submission, away from the Radiant One, and continue their quest to enshroud the world and cosmos in chaos.

Through detailed descriptions and intricate cosmogony, Rebecca A. Nagy takes you through a world of unrivaled breadth and imagination. You can sense the treachery and betrayal permeating the gothic vampire lairs and almost feel the chill in the air in the very backyard of the hounds of Hell. Things get even more exciting as the shift draws near, and celestials and immortals who have not been in the Earth Plane for centuries return to join forces. Nagy did an excellent job of filling her work with exciting twists that will leave you reeling at discovering unexpected turns of events and draw you into the intrigue. Soon enough, the Codex prophecies provide a great many rivers of knowledge. As they start to converge into an expansive sea of truth, you can't wait to finally discover how the secret destiny of America connects to the Capitol building and what Transformational energy will lift America and the world from the ashes into the new age of peace and sacredness. Phoenix Rising: Initiation is packed with well-fleshed-out and unique characters. From Xander, an unstoppable twin swordsman, whether fighting against howling hellhounds or snarling vampires, to Metatron, a towering angel, the book is packed with characters that are carved with depth and nuance, and they are the heart of this world, just waiting for you to explore. I have no doubt everyone will find their favorites. Even Gabriel, the small kitten, played a significant role in the plot—or was it a magical black panther in disguise? If you love science fiction and mythological elements merged brilliantly, this epic tale of ancient prophecies and a timeline starting to unfold will become a new favorite.

Jamie Michele

Phoenix Rising: Initiation by Rebecca A. Nagy revolves around Cassandra "Cassie" Oberon, whose life takes a turn when she discovers a mysterious mansion in the misty mountains where her true identity as Cassandra St. Claire, a daughter of the Fae, is revealed. Cassie's life is marked by recurring dreams and a unique connection with her cat, Gabriel, whom her mother taught her to communicate with through thought and images. Dark figures like Sirkan, Morgandrian, and Natesh aim to exploit Cassie's extraordinary abilities in a supernatural struggle for her destiny. Meanwhile, Paxton, her boyfriend, and the celestial Khamuel navigate a web of dark situations and adversaries. The Triumvirate and Masonic Lodges plan a rescue mission for Cassie, recognizing her significance as the Seventh Avatar. Cassie's training in the Seely Court unfolds across space and timelines as she and Paxton confront their intertwined destinies, search for her mother, and attempt to stop Sirkan.

Phoenix Rising: Initiation by Rebecca A. Nagy is an exceptionally thoughtful and equally complex work of metaphysical fiction with fantasy elements, particularly in creature and character species, that carves almost its own unique niche within a niche. I found Cassie's arc as she grows into her extraordinary role and trains to harness her latent powers to be authentic. She has, as we are reminded by her stomping and almost fearless ability to assert her agency, the traits of a young woman. Any parent of a teenage girl will see their daughter in Cassie, and as an adult and a mother, I felt protective of her. This emotional connection would not be possible without the skill of deep character development. I also found that the number of men, in past lives and in her current timeline, all seem to think that they have a claim to Cassie. If this is not a symbol of toxic masculinity, then none exists. Cassie is the contemporary evolution of powerful women incarnated in her from alternative timelines, and these are a wonderful complement to an already strong story.