
Book I of The Martyr Series

Fiction - Fantasy - Urban
406 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

Resurrection is the first book in The Martyr Series by MC Hunton. Darius Jones lived in New York City with no excitement, just existing. All he wanted was to survive, live to see another day, and do his best. With no one to live for and no one to fight for, Darius simply exists but then he is suddenly exposed to the Seven Deadly Sins. The Sins, walking among humans in host bodies, caused chaos. To counteract the evil, the Virtues also walked the earth, but they needed the help of more people to lessen the impact of the evil. These people were called the Martyrs, and Darius was the new recruit. Needless to say, Darius was in over his head and had no idea what he was supposed to do. He needed to figure out a way to find his footing in this new reality before it was too late. Was Darius cut out to be part of this battle between good and evil?

Thrilling, captivating, and exciting, Resurrection was everything I hoped it would be and more. The story was fantastic. You don’t easily come across a novel that does justice to the supernatural genre, and author MC Hunton nailed it! From the beginning, I knew I would love Darius and his kind heart. He was tough, clever, and very intelligent, but he had a gentle heart that hurt for other people in bad situations. His character arc was fantastic, and his growth was incredible. There was hardly a moment in the story that made me question the plot or the author’s skill in making this a remarkable novel for the reader. The concept of the Seven Deadly Sins being real forces of evil is both terrifying and fascinating. MC Hunton crafted a world where these sins have infiltrated society and corrupted individuals. Darius is a relatable protagonist, struggling to find his place in a chaotic world. His journey of self-discovery and redemption is engaging. My heart was pounding at times, but the rush of excitement was worth it. I cannot wait to see what happens next in the series, but this introduction to the characters and the universe was out of this world!