Rhea's Conundrum

A Baga Shores Romance

Romance - General
100 Pages
Reviewed on 06/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Rhea's Conundrum is a sci-fi/fantasy romance novella by Candace Colt. On the opening day of her family's own sensory playground for children, forty-seven-year-old witch Rhea Tanner inexplicably finds herself transported from Baga Shores, Florida, to the cargo hold of a spaceship alongside her quick-witted cat-familiar Alika. The ship is a freighter run by the alien from Akerlos, C'tloc, who traverses interstellar space collecting debris, accompanied by his loyal Umilin, Nikkto, a little four-winged goat. After some initial circumspection, Rhea and C'tloc develop a deeper connection, bonding over their love of food and drink. However, time is passing swiftly on Earth, and Rhea must return to her family. Meanwhile, C'tloc's ship is running out of power. As C'tloc accepts his fate, Rhea must make a difficult choice between him and her family.

A captivating love story set in space, Rhea's Conundrum hooks you in from the first page and refuses to release you until the last page. Candace Colt infuses a lot of heart, romance, and magic in this tale, tinged with a healthy dose of science fiction elements. A character-driven drama at its core, Rhea's Conundrum highlights the bond between different living beings, connected by shared innate feelings of love, doubt, fear, and survival. Rhea and C'tloc's relationship development feels genuine, and as a reader, you will find it easy to root for them. I also loved the distinct personalities of Alika and Nikkto. Alika is the perfect embodiment of a sassy cat, while Nikkto is simply adorable. Overall, I really enjoyed the book and heartily recommend it to romance readers.