Saygar the Detective

The Case of the Missing Noodle

Children - Mystery
186 Pages
Reviewed on 06/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by P. Rosenthal for Readers' Favorite

In Saygar the Detective by Elizabeth Jurado, Saygar A. Hill is a kid-sized ant who lives in a treehouse when he’s not in school. As if keeping his best friend’s true identity a secret is not enough, third-grader Joseph Mateo is currently suffering from anxiety brought on by certain relatives he’d like to “un-family.” So, Joseph is horrified when he is unwittingly left to supervise his cousins, four-year-old Julia and toddler Saul Sam aka Noodle. True to form, Noodle locks himself in the bathroom, covers himself with toothpaste, then exits the bathroom and escapes through the back door. Julia, Saygar, and Joseph are joined by classmate Amanda on what turns out to be a comical search to find the little pasta monster. Will Saygar’s special abilities be enough to save the day?

Elizabeth Jurado’s talented writing creates a world where a kid-sized ant seems entirely plausible. A fantastical imaginative plot can quickly go sideways, but this is not true in Saygar the Detective: The Case of the Missing Noodle. The cast of characters is endearing and memorable. Saygar’s “down-to-earth” nature works well with Joseph’s marginally strong moral compass. Making them both relatable characters, Jurado enhances the cultural flavor of this fast-paced, action-filled story by including Spanish terms that reflect Joseph’s heritage. Further, the subtlety with which family bonds are featured is not lost and adds to the themes of friendship and acceptance. The cartoonish black-and-white illustrations by Davey Villalobos perfectly suit this writing style and resonate with humor. This is the third installment. Keep the author motivated and read the whole Saygar Books series!