
Fiction - Drama
315 Pages
Reviewed on 04/13/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Screamer by R.E. Wood is a haunting tale of life. Julia Woodson is slowly pulling her life back together following her decision to divorce her abusive husband, Todd. She has two children and she must protect them and defend her home against the man she once loved. Todd is addicted to drugs and is a desperate man, but just how far will he go to get what he wants? His daughter is 12 years old and pretty – could she be the answer? Could she become the means for feeding the dragon? Julia is facing the toughest moments of her life – can she save her own life as well as those of her 12-year-old daughter and 7-year-old son?

Screamer by R.E. Wood is a very strong story, sadly one that happens all too often. It is a hard hitting tale, one that is full of action, never letting up from start to finish. The plot is clearly well thought out and the characters have been exceptionally well developed, in such a way that you will either love them or hate them. Either way, you will definitely get to know them. The story touches on many different aspects of abuse and, in particular, drugs and spousal abuse. Neither topic is particularly nice, but the way the book is written is excellent and the ending ties everything together nicely. It is written in a way that makes it easy to read and, with all the twists and turns, guarantees that no reader will put this book down until the very end.