Sentient Secrets

A Suspenseful Technothriller Short Story

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
16 Pages
Reviewed on 10/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Afifa Raisa for Readers' Favorite

Sentient Secrets by Saleema Ishq tells the story of Lulu Wren, a woman who has become bitter while constantly grappling with the challenges of the corporate world. When her company brings in the new AI therapy program by PsychiaTech, she feels it would be a complete waste of time. Not given an option, she begins to write down her thoughts and submit them anonymously using the program. It does not take long for Lulu to notice that something is wrong with it. Entries she has never written begin to appear on their own. Surprisingly, the writing sounds a lot like her own. Although she initially finds it creepy, she figures out that artificial intelligence can imitate her style by analyzing the previous submissions. The truly bizarre part is that the program seems to know a lot about her life, including events that are yet to be revealed.

Saleema Ishq’s Sentient Secrets is a gripping and fast-paced short story that gives the reader a picture of how far artificial intelligence can go and what its potential impact might be. It leaves one with countless questions to work on. Right from the beginning, Saleema enables the reader to get a glimpse of what goes on inside Lulu's head and how her mind is slowly affected by the incidents and people associated with the program. It is possible to come up with multiple explanations and interpretations of what happens in the story. The ending can also be viewed in numerous ways, which makes the work worth reading. Sentient Secrets is recommended for fans of thrillers involving science and technology.