Sometimes When I'm Jealous

Children - Picture Book
40 Pages
Reviewed on 08/08/2024
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Author Biography

Deborah Serani is psychologist in practice over 30 years. She is also a senior professor at Adelphi University in New York. Dr. Serani is an award-winning author, writing about psychological topics in many genres.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Sometimes When I'm Jealous is a children's picture book written by Deborah Serani and featuring illustrations by Kyra Teis. The book follows a young boy dealing with feelings of jealousy. Sometimes, the child doesn't like it when his mom is on the phone, his sister is doing homework, or his father is taking care of the baby. Due to his age, when he is not receiving attention, the child is hit with pangs of jealousy. In an attempt to make him feel included, his father seeks his help in feeding the baby. He's also the last to kick the ball in soccer practice, and he doesn't like sharing markers in school. His grandpa teaches him that we feel jealous when our friends spend time away from us. The child also learns to share and ask for what he wants.

Jealousy is one of the many inherent traits in humans and even animals. Sometimes When I'm Jealous is an illuminating picture book that demonstrates the ways jealousy influences a child's behavior and shows how adults can help kids navigate their jealous phases. Author Deborah Serani narrates the story from the perspective of a young boy, offering readers a look into a child's psyche as he sees the world around him. Serani's story is wonderfully complemented by Kyra Teis' beautifully drawn artwork that enhances the read. Toward the end, the book contains a brief guide for caring adults that includes insights and observations on how to spot jealousy in children of various ages and five tips for adults to help ease jealousy in children. Young readers will find this book informative as well as entertaining. For parents, it's a must-read.