Steve The Zombie

Fiction - Horror
163 Pages
Reviewed on 07/13/2023
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Author Biography

Stephen Wayne, a pseudonym for István Szabó, a Hungarian-based U.S. Horror Fiction bestseller and multi-award-winning author, is an internationally recognized literary professional with clients from over 80 countries. His diverse background includes collaboration with law enforcement and governmental agencies, contributing to national security efforts.

In his downtime, Stephen is an avid adventurer with interests ranging from martial arts, including kickboxing and Muay Thai training, to long-distance running, fencing, and scuba diving, for which he is officially licensed. He also enjoys delving into history and exploring his passion for cinema and visual arts.

Drawing inspiration from a world as diverse as his interests, Stephen incorporates his experiences into his writing, with a particular fondness for exploring the darker facets of human nature against a backdrop of suspense and mystery. His favorite authors include H.P. Lovecraft and Philip K. Dick, and their influence can often be felt in his work. As a fan of science fiction and horror, these genres have significantly shaped his literary perspective.

Above all, he is a proud father to Christopher and a loving husband to Barbara.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Steve The Zombie is a post-apocalyptic dystopian horror novel by Stephen Wayne. The book opens with a man waking up in a city surrounded by a horde of flesh-eating zombies. To his horror, the man remembers that he used to be a detective named Steve, now infected with a deadly pathogen that has ravaged his body and taken control of a part of his mind. Steve realizes his consciousness and the infection are locked in a fierce battle for control. He wills his mind toward figuring out the root cause of the deadly outbreak while dodging attacks from the survivors who struggle to repel the horde of zombies. But when he comes across Sarah, his former lover, on the verge of sharing his fate, Steve must protect her at all costs. Will he be successful?

Author Stephen Wayne puts a unique twist on the post-apocalyptic horror genre by telling a gripping tale through the perspective of one of the infected. What happens when an infected zombie develops an inner subconscious that retains its previous human self? This is the premise of Steve The Zombie. Wayne excels in creating an atmosphere of tension and dread, and with a swirling mix of suspense, intrigue, and thrills, the narrative keeps you hooked. The action sequences are described in vivid detail. The plot is evenly paced, with a few well-placed curveballs that take you by surprise. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and will recommend it to anyone who loves post-apocalyptic stories featuring zombies.

Alex Ndirangu

Steve The Zombie takes you on a ride packed with thrills and action. Penned by Stephen Wayne, it transports us to a city on the verge of a catastrophic downfall. It all started when people started attacking each other brutally, biting and tearing each other apart like crazed animals. The sounds of the city, once a comforting symphony of life, have given way to voices of terror and chaos. Far into the countless bodies of lifeless humans and burning vehicles strewn across the streets, an army of the undead marches with one purpose: to find and consume every last remnant of humanity in its path. Amid the savage snarls of the horde, we meet Steve, previously a detective in the city. Like the rest of the walkers, the smell of humans unleashes a ravenous hunger. But despite the deadly infection's grasp on his body, his human consciousness has managed to hold on. Could he be the answer to curing the contagion? Could there be more like him?

Steve the Zombie provides a thought-provoking and harrowing account of a chaotic city. With well-described fast-action scenes spiced up with mystery, adventure, and survival elements, it grips you right from the first few minutes of reading. Written from the first-person perspective of a man desperately striving to separate his consciousness from the monstrous collective driving others like him to commit untold atrocities, the narrative has you questioning everything you thought you knew about a zombie apocalypse. The characters are all very well-developed, and everyone has a substantial part to play. What I loved best was the portrayal of the depths people are willing to go to ensure their survival and that of the ones they love. Those fighting the undead at the forefront held the flanks with adrenaline-fueled ferocity. Though pitted against seemingly impossible odds, their will to live for even one more minute was unwavering. Wayne's Steve the Zombie brings you the horror while never being too over-the-top with its gore, but also shows the beauty of love and the importance of togetherness in times of crisis.

Luwi Nyakansaila

Steve wakes up in pain and discovers that he is a zombie who cannot control his body, but his mind is still conscious. He roams the city with a swarm of fellow zombies, who attack and feed on humans. Steve fights his urges and starts gathering clues to find out how he ended up in this situation. He battles with his thoughts and memories and tries to differentiate between what is real and what is not. Steve wants to help the humans but does not know how to communicate that he is on their side. Through all this, he tries to find his loved one to protect her from this horror. Will Steve ever regain his humanity, or will the infection overpower him? Get yourself a copy of Steve the Zombie by Stephen Wayne to find out what happens next.

Steve the Zombie is full of suspense, action, and drama. From the startling plot twists to the intense scenes and amazing book cover, I loved everything about this novel. Most zombie-related books are told from the perspective of human survivors, but this story is to the contrary. Steve is at the core of the plot, and he is a memorable character that you cannot help but root for. His fighting spirit is formidable. Even when he was losing his mind, he still managed to uncover clues to solve the case. Most of his thoughts are lucid dreams with haunting memories. Stephen Wayne added a unique twist to the infection. He gave it an intelligent consciousness, which is something I did not expect. The infection became an additional character with a mysterious and unpredictable personality. I finished the book in one sitting because it had a smooth flow, and I did not want to miss anything. Steve’s story is not over. He still has more demons to fight and a greater conspiracy to uncover. I hope to read more books from this author. Brilliant work.

Anelynde Smit

Steve the Zombie by Stephen Wayne can be summed up in one word: amazing. This book has to be one of my all-time favorites. We follow Steve as he is a fully infected zombie making his way through the city. He is joined by many others who, like him, have also been infected. This rampage is devastating and detailed, as they bite and devour people in their wake. This book goes into detail about what being a zombie could be like. Join Steve on his journey back to humanity, if that is at all possible. This story will shake the foundations of what you think you know about zombies. Even if you are not a fan of the zombie genre, you will enjoy how well this book is written.

Steve the Zombie by Stephen Wayne has to be up there with the best books about zombies. You might think that you've read it all before. I can assure you that this is different. He breathes new life into this genre by showing us the viewpoint of a zombie and not the survivors. There is a very promising ending that you will never see coming, but it's worth reading. As you are with Steve on this journey, you wonder to yourself how he has made it so far. Why has the virus not consumed him completely? The virus is swift and leaves much destruction in its wake. You will feel this character's struggle. His pain, his anger, and even his hunger, and this author knows exactly how to tap into that part of the brain. I highly recommend this book. I would love to see this as a film. This book is graphic, yes, but it only adds value to the story.

Asher Syed

Steve The Zombie by Stephen Wayne revolves around Steve, once a detective, who finds himself amidst a zombie outbreak with his memories fragmented and humanity fading as he himself transforms. He battles the undead, including familiar faces, while plagued by urgent desires to protect his girlfriend, Sarah. Hints of his former life pierce through a foggy memory. Reality buckles, marred by unsettling visions involving someone he cares for and the story continues to darken as Steve loses more and more of himself. Amidst the chaos, he believes that he has a unique gift within himself that renews some hope. Bracing for a final face-off, he readies himself for the unknown, hoping to salvage what he still holds dear.

Steve the Zombie by Stephen Wayne is the first book in this genre where the story is narrated from the point of view of the zombie, ever. If I told you how much I read, you might fall over in disbelief, so when I make a statement like that it isn't a light one. Steve is also an exceptionally well-developed character whose glimpses into a former life make him the zombie you root for. I even went so far as to think, 'Go ahead, Steve. Take a bite.' Steve is stronger than I am. I love his internal conflict as the needs of his new body play tug-of-war with what's left of a deteriorating mental facility. Steve has empathy and still feels love, which triggers protectiveness. He problem solves with a remarkable discovery and figures out a way to communicate, further setting himself apart from traditional zombie tropes and providing a distinct twist to the typical zombie narrative. The writing is clean, the action is riveting, and the shock factor is pitch-perfect. The book ends on a bit of a cliffhanger but I am definitely looking forward to seeing where it goes next.