Story of a Disastrous Internet Romance

Fiction - Drama
282 Pages
Reviewed on 03/17/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Fiona Ingram for Readers' Favorite

When Natalia, a naive young Russian girl becomes involved with online dating, she doesn't know what's in store for her. Driven by her desire to better herself and make a new life in the USA, Natalia falls for the smooth, persuasive Carlos whom she meets via the online dating scene. He is plausible, good-looking (if shorter than his picture) and American, with everything going for him, it seems. A brief courtship and whirlwind marriage later, Natalia finds herself in the USA, the land of her dreams... a place that slowly but surely turns into the land of any woman's nightmares.

Life is not at all what she expected because not only is Carlos a double-dealing, crooked businessman, but he is also a pathological liar and career criminal. He lies to Natalia from the start and doesn't stop lying as their doomed marriage begins it all-too-brief life. Soon Natalia finds herself trapped in a web of fraudulent purchases that become increasingly larger and more expensive as Carlos attempts to fulfill his dream of becoming a multi-millionaire businessman. He uses Natalia's credit and reputation to run up purchases in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Natalia's pregnancy further traps her in a loveless marriage to a man who is now skating on very thin legal ice.

Inevitably it all comes crashing down, leaving Natalia with only two friends in the world - her neighbor Maryanne, and the detective whose unenviable job it is to wind up the case against Carlos. Will Natalia have the strength to pick up the threads of her life again? Can she restore her shattered credit and reputation? More importantly, can she survive the emotional destruction within, the loss of her dreams, trust, innocence and love?

The author creates a mesmerizing back story to the history of Natalia growing up in Russia, a Russia battered and bloodied by revolution, war, financial disaster, and the emergence of the `new Russian' elite. The social, political, and historical threads are woven deftly into the story and highlight the problem of just why Russian women are prepared to risk marrying almost perfect strangers. One wonders just why has Russia not got enough men to go round, and why are the left-overs so undesirable? That aspect alone makes a fascinating read. The reader must appreciate the fuller picture of why Natalia is drawn to the USA as a land of promise, in order to understand why she risks and loses so much. Anyone who has ever considered Internet dating should read this book to gain insight into the potential pitfalls.

The author has created a believable heroine in Natalia, who manages to keep her head above some turbulent waters. Her charm and freshness make for an appealing main protagonist. In his own way, the slimy Carlos is so filled with lies and self-delusions that he too is credible in his awful crassness. The reader will feel every moment of doubt, anxiety, joy, and soaring revelation. This book also takes a good look at two totally different cultures and highlights the good, the bad, and the very best of both.