Stripping Like Nobody's Business

A true story of a mother with no conscience and stripper with too much

Non-Fiction - Autobiography
266 Pages
Reviewed on 07/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

In Stripping Like Nobody's Business, Bambi Rehak recalls her childhood in an abusive and mostly neglectful household. Her mother's low expectations and lack of encouragement started Rehak on the same cycle as her parents, and she had two children before she was out of her teens. A car accident bred the need for a higher income, and so she answered an ad for entertainers at a club where clothes were not always required. She details the unsavory environment, outlining the girls' and customers' behavior, unfair money handling, and drug use and distribution. Rehak shares details of her marriages, motherhood, vacations, and the depression that stemmed from her occupation and the other events in her life.

Bambi Rehak bravely recounts her life without fear, and readers will see her strength as she battles hardships many people couldn't successfully endure. Her mother's words were as sharp as swords, conditioning Rehak for a cycle of abuse and mistreatment. Many times, I wished I could rescue Rehak from the situations she disclosed, and it seemed like no kindness she extended went unpunished. Rehak shares her experiences with raw, unadulterated details that show how her innocence was eroded. Rehak isn't just a girl who danced for a few months and thinks she knows about the business. She performed for years and truly understands the lifestyle during the time she worked. The author's wit and sarcasm show her personality on every page and this made me feel like I knew her on a more personal level. Readers who enjoy true stories about resourceful people who fought difficulties will love Stripping Like Nobody's Business.

Cecelia Hopkins

Stripping Like Nobody’s Business by Bambi Rehak provides an interesting account of an alternative lifestyle. The memoir begins by describing parental selfishness and the constant grind of poverty. The youthful Bambi took part-time jobs and purchased her own vehicle; however, a drug-addicted husband dragged her back into poverty. Her brother mysteriously ingested poison and relatives failed to provide assistance after her car crash. Desperate for money to support her two children, Bambi answered an advertisement for “entertainers.” From that point on, the tone is essentially practical as the author has to survive the rigors involved in stripping while maintaining her personal safety. As Bambi matures, she is in less demand as a dancer but discovers other talents that may allow her to retire.

Stripping Like Nobody’s Business by Bambi Rehak is candid without being explicit or tasteless. I liked the way the author made a strict demarcation between her personal and professional lives. I enjoyed the eye-opening and mind-broadening scenes that provided something of an adventure into the risqué. On the other hand, I could also really relate to the fact Bambi was a wife and mother at home. It was clear the narrative contains mature sexual themes and drug references, but I found reassurance in that the author maintained control and avoided the worst traps of addiction. I enjoyed the ironic descriptions that made me question exactly who was the most exploited, the dancers or the patrons! I can recommend Stripping Like Nobody’s Business by Bambi Rehak to readers of realistic autobiographies.

Danelle Petersen

Stripping Like Nobody's Business is the funny and bittersweet story of former stripper, Bambi Rehak. Bambi hasn't had an easy life and she thanks her mother for that. With her lacking maternal instincts, neither Bambi nor her four siblings were ever high on Constance’s list of priorities, or their father's for that matter; instead, the dysfunctional couple preferred chasing alcohol, good times, and inviting questionable guests into their home. But Bambi, being the resilient and eternal optimist that she is, had decided from a young age that she would do better than her parents, starting with being responsible for her actions. Her great sense of humor, sweet nature, and die-hard attitude are what drive this absorbing autobiography and it is those same characteristics that will have readers falling in love with her.

Candidly honest, Bambi Rehak has a natural gift for storytelling; there is certainly no shortage of entertainment or shock value in this strange story that is Bambi's life. Both insanely funny and harrowing, the peculiar mixture makes Stripping Like Nobody's Business even more intriguing, ensuring a one-of-a-kind reading experience for readers. Although I often found myself frustrated at Bambi for her poor choices, I soon realized that she had never had a good role model whose example she could follow, so making poor decisions was to be expected. With her having been exposed to dysfunctional behavior from an early age, one can appreciate how incredibly challenging it must have been for Bambi to break those chains. Amazingly, Bambi does, rising above the many betrayals and heartache caused by family and friends.