Summer of 93

Young Adult - Coming of Age
322 Pages
Reviewed on 07/22/2024
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Author Biography

A little about Archana Somvanshi!

They say life is a journey, and mine has been a wild ride from a dusty Indian town to the global IT
jungle. I battled the odds, found and married my love, and somehow ended up in Silicon Valley. But
amidst the ones and zeroes, a different kind of magic bloomed: storytelling.
By day, a techie; by night, I weave tales that resonate with warmth, intrigue, and maybe a touch of
Bollywood flair. (Think thrilling adventures with a sprinkle of masala!) Motherhood is my most
cherished role, and it infuses my writing with empathy, resilience, and a healthy dose of "mom knows
For me, stories are bridges. Bridges that connect hearts across cultures and generations. And – I do
have a serious weakness for water activities, be it swimming, paddleboarding, or chasing waterfalls
with my little adventurers. When indoors, board games and epic movie/series marathons are my
So, step into my world, where every page comes alive and the characters whisper tales of the
incredible land, I call home. Follow my exploits (both literary and aquatic) on Instagram:

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Summer of 93 is a work of fiction penned by author Archana Somvanshi in the coming-of-age, interpersonal drama, and cultural genres for young adult and adult readers. In this compelling and emotive tale, three siblings venture into their ancestral village where they uncover secrets about their forgotten aunt, Saraswati, and a tormented man, Kashinath. Guided by their resilient grandmother, Janki Devi, they delve into the family's history, revealing hidden truths that lead to vengeance and reckoning. The narrative explores themes of love, friendship, and societal challenges, set against the backdrop of a caste-divided society. As they confront grief and turmoil, the story highlights the enduring power of family bonds.

There were so many touching and educational moments in this story of identity and hope by author Archana Somvanshi. The sunlit village, filled with laughter and curiosity, contrasted poignantly with the dark secrets buried within the family's history. These metaphorical juxtapositions continued throughout the novel with vibrant and atmospheric language bringing them to life. The siblings' sense of adventure and discovery has an engaging energy that is consistent and confidently narrated throughout the work, evoking nostalgia for our own childhood explorations and putting us right on their shoulders as they venture into the unknown. The intertwining stories of Saraswati and Kashinath were both tragic and compelling, shedding light on the harsh realities of a caste-divided society and the weight of past traumas, whilst also offering a cultural education that enriches our understanding of attitudes of the past. The exploration of tough topics like female feticide and societal constraints on women was handled with sensitivity and insight, making the work accessible for the YA audience to handle these more complex topics and understand them better. Overall, Summer of 93 captivated me with its blend of mystery, emotion, and cultural depth, leaving a lasting impression. It is a highly recommended read.