Tales For Tra-La-La Day

Children - Fable
222 Pages
Reviewed on 10/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Priya Mathew for Readers' Favorite

Tales For Tra-La-La-Day by Steve Michael Reedy is a collection of six captivating fables with beautiful illustrations by Tom Fee. The stories are told by a traveler on his way to celebrate Tra-La-La-Day under a full winter moon and each of the stories connects to this holiday in some way. Melody discovers the power of a musician’s song, Charley saves his town from a lasting imbalance and destruction, and the Iceling Queen tells a story about how she came to save the spirit of Humans. The book also has stories about Mageltine’s wish taking an unexpected turn, Crispin’s risky attempts at heroics, and a lost traveler discovering Miss Pinberry’s secret.

In this final anthology of the Monkey Mind Tales series, Steve Michael Reedy has created a playful and engaging book for younger audiences, but it also will appeal to adults. All six stories in Tales for Tra-La-La-Day use language that is simple but expressive. Steve has used humor and exaggeration and balanced them with moments of serious reflection, making the moral of the story blend seamlessly into the narrative. If I had to pick two things I loved most about this book, it would be the rhythmic prose which made it a joy while reading aloud and the lovely pencil sketches peppered throughout the pages. The illustrations add to the magic of the narrative. Each of the six stories celebrated love, joy, and the spirit of community in some form or other. By combining humor with fantasy aspects, Steve has created a narrative that not only provides entertainment but also imparts valuable life lessons.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Tales For Tra-La-La Day is the last book in the Monkey Mind Tales® Anthology Series by Steve Michael Reedy. On his way to the Tra-La-La festivities, a traveler shares six stories, entertaining a monkey. The selections include a story about a young girl, Melody, who is concerned about singing the Tra-La-La song. Her mother explains about the musician who wrote the words, and why the town only sings it once a year. Another tale is about Anna, who made "Long-Lastables" that would never break but harm the environment as they pile up. Other narratives include the origin of the Iceling Queen and how she saved the human spirit, a wish that can melt a town's greedy heart, and a lesson that shows how a hero's true strength is compassion.

Steve Michael Reedy's compilation echoes the spirit of the holidays with lovely meter and enthralling stories. Tom Fee's detailed illustrations capture the essence of the scene he depicts and delight a young reader's eyes. Caregivers could read a story each night during the holiday season or when the snow is falling, as one story alludes to the beginnings of something comparable to Valentine's Day. The poetry's almost perfect cadence and the author's ease with transitions pleasantly surprised me. I read every story and shared with my children, and they hung onto every word. The stories have similar subjects but do not have to be read in order, and readers who enjoy fiction with strong holiday themes will love Tales For Tra-La-La Day.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

A day full of festivals - dancing, singing, stories, and a whole lot of fun – sounds great, doesn’t it? In Fardale, they even have a special song for that day, one that they only sing on that special festival day. It’s called Tra-La-La-Day. In Steve Michael Reedy’s Tales for Tra-La-La-Day, young Melody learns the importance of singing this special song only on Tra-La-La-Day. She can’t even practice it before the event and that has her worried. What if she makes a mistake or forgets some words? Charley wants to win the Vogsetter Tra-La-La Day Centerpiece Contest on this special day, but something is threatening his town and it all has to do with this contest. There are more tales to haunt and inspire and instill in all readers a sense of awe and determination to work together and make things right.

Steve Michael Reedy’s book, Tales for Tra-La-La-Day, is the final anthology in the Monkey Mind Tales series. Each story and poem is a parable, a tale of obscure origins that will capture the fascination of all readers, young and old alike. The tales read like fairy tales or legends of old. The subtle use of descriptive narrative and vibrant dialogue moves each story forward at an engaging pace. The line drawing illustrations are fascinating and add another dimension to each story. There is mystery mixed with fantasy and all manner of holiday themes which the author presents in rhythmic prose and inspiring rhymes. A fascinating and entertaining read.