Tall Storeys

Heathcity Allegories

Fiction - Suspense
604 Pages
Reviewed on 11/30/2014
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Author Biography

Over the years Harry Swiers has written a number of articles about rough collies and contributed to photographic journals.

For 30 years he practiced as a qualified, registered insurance broker, initially running his own practice before joining with other companies in the building trade, including heavy demolition.

Harry Swiers has written and been published by Collie Rescue (rough and smooth) UK.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

In Tall Storeys by Harry Swiers, millionaire Peter Skyes, trapped between his lover Shirley Wrigley and the glamorous Laura Davies, his latest admirer, finds himself threatened with financial death by bankruptcy. At the center is 2,500 acres of English land that has lain derelict since 1944. Fred Evans wants to develop the site adjacent to the fictional Heathcity-upon-Sea, but he's in financial trouble. The bankers have heard that Fred is in dire trouble caused by the local taxman, George A. Fronrome, and are hoping to bring about Evans' downfall. Evans has an accountant, Arthur Wolfson, a character who is remarkably developed very early on in the story.

This is one of those books that, before you set eyes to page one, you'll want to hang up a "Do not disturb" sign and keep your favorite food delivery service on speed-dial. The first page does exactly what a book should do. It grabs the reader and hooks them. Author Harry Swiers writes in an amazing style that's hard to describe. The writing is so vivid that Swiers takes you into the story and you feel you are living it. The character development is excellent. The characters are very believable and there's nothing pretentious about them. Swiers has balanced his characters so the reader can relate to them, get to know them and, most importantly, believe in them. I liked the fact that when each character is introduced, it didn't take long to get a "feel" for their personality. The plot and subplots are also perfectly developed. I really liked that the dialogue was in balance with the narration. The story has many twists and turns that will keep the reader guessing. It's awfully hard to put the book down and it's definitely a page turner. I highly recommend this for anyone who loves mystery and suspense.