The Celestial Contract

Fiction - Visionary
304 Pages
Reviewed on 08/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Celestial Contract is a work of fiction in the visionary, adventure, and philosophy genres. Penned by author team W.B. Dineen and Elizabeth Boyer, this engaging and thought-provoking novel reveals a hidden truth: Earth was commandeered over a thousand years ago by a clandestine group intent on keeping humanity ignorant of its divine purpose. This group has perpetuated illusions and falsehoods to obscure our true nature and the covenant that was made with God before our incarnation. The book argues that an imminent evolution will radically transform civilization, urging others to awaken to their divine contract to avoid eternal darkness. It explores the fundamental questions of human existence, purpose, and the loss of control over our lives.

Author team W.B. Dineen and Elizabeth Boyer have crafted a profound and eye-opening read that beautifully walks the line between fiction and philosophical awakening in very real-world terms. The book's premise, that humanity has been misled about its divine purpose, struck a deep chord that is eerily prescient of the state of the modern world. The idea that our reality has been shaped by hidden puppet masters, creating distractions and illusions, challenges readers’ perceptions of their own existence, just as the characters in the story experience. The urgency of awakening to a divine contract is a palpable central theme, and the narrative paints a vivid picture of the consequences of remaining in ignorance with atmospheric language and close, emotive viewpoints that really show the breadth of deception and trauma that humanity can undergo. The thought-provoking insights into humanity’s true purpose and the existential stakes involved left me both inspired and contemplative. The powerful narrative lingers long after you set the novel down. Overall, The Celestial Contract offers a compelling mix of cosmic philosophy and existential reflection, making it a read that I’d certainly recommend.

Leonard Smuts

The Celestial Contract by W.B. Dineen and Elizabeth Boyer introduces Emma Hart, who wants to start a family but has suffered a series of miscarriages. She consults her friend and hypnotherapist Genevieve (Gen) in the hope of finding answers. The therapy sessions take a surprising turn when Emma begins channeling a spirit entity called AHL She relays an astonishing series of messages with the instruction that Gen puts the revelations into book form to assist human evolution. They learn about the celestial contracts that are entered into at the soul level before incarnation. Many have agreed to be helpers at this time. The spirit world then shares a stern warning of impending and radical earth changes and implores all humans to be aware of and honor their celestial contracts. Emma and Gen must put aside their skepticism to assimilate the information and examine their personal beliefs. All this takes place against a background of family tensions and abusive relationships that continue to haunt them and their husbands.

The Celestial Contract is much more than a doorway to understanding our individual and collective life tasks and the path toward spiritual evolution. It touches on all aspects of the way life on earth has been structured, how we are manipulated by the powerful, and the false belief systems that imprison us. This may appear to be familiar territory and just another conspiracy theory, but the innovative and refreshing approach adopted by W.B. Dineen and Elizabeth Boyer provides both insight and inspiration. The spiritual lessons are skillfully presented in the context of daily life and are easily relatable. Issues such as religion and our perception of time and money are evaluated and woven into the text. The impact of aliens on our society may come as a surprise to some but is fundamental to the account and a reality that may yet have to be confronted. While the book is written as fiction, it contains both wisdom and underlying truths about the human condition. Love and tolerance are offered as solutions. It will serve as a wake-up call at a time when humanity is at a crossroads and is highly recommended.

Miche Arendse

The Celestial Contract by W.B. Dineen and Elizabeth Boyer is a story of intrigue that will have you questioning everything you think you know about the world you live in. Gen and her client Emma seek to make contact with an entity that reached out to Emma. In return for allowing them to speak with Gen, Emma can finally have a baby. Deciding to take the chance, these two women spark a massive change in the world as we know it and come to find out the real truth behind the existence of humankind and how far we have wandered from our intended path.

The Celestial Contract by W.B. Dineen and Elizabeth Boyer touches on a concept I have heard about only once before and I was very excited to delve into it once more. The idea is that we are here to complete some sort of mission, or, as the book suggests, our celestial contract. And once we have done this we can transcend or evolve in some way. The idea is both fascinating and intriguing as it calls into question what we know our world to be but in essence also touches on the basics of what we are taught in almost every religion. We are always taught to love, never to hate, and never to judge as it is not our place to do so. The fact that humans either struggle with these concepts or cannot accomplish them at all shows how far removed we are from what we as a species should be and are capable of. Overall, this was such an interesting book and I really enjoyed the message and concept touched on. It is definitely worth reading.