The Employer

A Novelization

Fiction - Suspense
97 Pages
Reviewed on 12/12/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Trudi LoPreto for Readers' Favorite

The Employer: A Novelization by Frank Merle is a very different psychological thriller. The Carcharias Corporation is a company that people know very little about. Five people are interviewed by 'the Employer' for a job with no description and each one is thrilled to be among the eligible for the final interview. Each of the five people, James, Sandra, Keith, Billie, and Mike are kidnapped the night before and wake up locked in a room together with no way out. Each of the five has very different personalities, different ambitions, and very different reactions to the circumstances they become faced with. This is to be their final interview and only one will be hired. What follows is a psychological game. They each want the job and are willing to do whatever they feel is necessary under the circumstances to be the final person remaining. The last one standing will be victorious and win the job.

Frank Merle has written a book that will be impossible to put down until you reach the end, one you never see coming. The Employer: A Novelization is different from all of the books you have read in the past and will not disappoint. It is 97 pages of thrills, mind games, and great reading. The Employer has been made into a movie and I can’t wait to see it. Frank Merle’s book will most certainly find its way to the top of the best sellers' list quickly and remain there for many weeks. If you enjoy a book that keeps you in suspense until the final pages, then you will not want to miss reading The Employer: A Novelization.