The Father Sings Over Me

A story of Resurrection Power, The Fathers Love, And a Special Boy

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
210 Pages
Reviewed on 06/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Children are a blessing from God, bringing happiness to families, and losing them can be devastating. When Richard and Dawn Mull lost their son Nathanael to a skin and kidney infection, they turned to God, their creator, for strength and witnessed His miraculous resurrection power. Through prayer and faith, the couple experienced the longest forty-five minutes of their lives when their son was declared dead. The battle did not end there; they endured many trials but received encouragement from family and friends who shared uplifting words and testimonies. What the devil intended for evil turned into a continuous blessing, leading many to Christ and teaching Richard and Dawn Mull about their Father's love, as well as the power of patience, faith, and hope. Read about Nathanael’s resurrection and his family's experiences before and after this incident in The Father Sings Over Me.

The Father Sings Over Me is a poignant memoir that delves into the complexities of parent-child relationships. Readers will be moved by Richard and Dawn Mull's stories and reflections and will find inspiration in their unconditional love and unwavering faith. The authors’ heartfelt desire to bear their child's burden and even fall sick in his place is a testament to the deep love and devotion that parents have for their children. The book will resonate with believers and non-believers alike, showcasing God’s power of healing and resurrection. From the captivating book cover to the well-organized structure, every aspect has been carefully thought out. My favorite part was Nathanael’s posts, presenting an engaging yet emotional tale about an escape plan. The messages and stories from fellow believers add an extra layer of depth to the narrative. This is an inspiring read with valuable lessons for those going through difficult times.