The Forgotten Disturbed

Fiction - Fantasy - General
284 Pages
Reviewed on 10/26/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

What happens if your life turns into a fairy tale?

Jessica Kendall takes a sabbatical leave from her teaching career at a California University to visit a small farming community in Germany. She rents a small cottage on the outskirts of the black Forest. She hoped to write a book about her experiences in a foreign culture. The college liked the idea and even subsidized the trip. Or maybe they just want to get rid of her.

Fascinated with graveyards she visits the different ones in the area. There were tombstones from the 1800’s mixed in among the ones dated1960’s. She realized they were recycling grave sites. She made a strange discovery. She found her own gravestone…Jessica Kendall 9.21.77

Jessica thinks there is something a little odd about her landlady. She is a little stern and even odder was her. very successful good looking son. She felt herself oddly drawn to Herman Totmuller soon she was drawn into a world of magic and power.

One thing that made this so interesting is the author spent five years over in Germany, researching the Celtics that are portrayed in this novel. It is a very hard book to put down. It is very well written and I think the research is what makes this book. I felt as though I was right there with Jessica. Mystery and magic what more could a reader want.