The Girl on the Ceiling

Duchess Kindness Collection

Children - Grade K-3rd
36 Pages
Reviewed on 06/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

The Girl on the Ceiling by Sarah, Duchess of York is a delightful tale that transports young readers into a world of whimsical adventures. The story opens with a charming girl who spends her days floating above the ground, finding joy in her unique perspective from the ceiling. Her life, though magical, is tinged with a sense of isolation until a new family moves into the house below her. Intrigued by their warmth and love, she watches closely, learning about the bonds that tie people together. Her solitary adventures take a turn when she invites the family's little boy to join her, leading him to experience the wonders of ceiling life. Their friendship blossoms as they explore the house from above, engaging in playful escapades that delight and inspire.

Sarah, Duchess of York’s storytelling in The Girl on the Ceiling is both enchanting and heartwarming, perfectly suited for children and their parents. The plot unfolds at a gentle pace, allowing readers to savor the magic of the girl's world while building anticipation for her interactions with the boy. The characters are vividly drawn, with the girl’s whimsical nature and the boy’s curious courage creating a delightful dynamic. The illustrations are captivating, bringing the floating adventures to life and complementing the narrative beautifully. What truly stands out are the underlying themes of faith and belief in oneself, as well as the transformative power of friendship. The boy’s attempts to help the girl come down to the ground add a touching layer of depth to the story, making it more than just a fantastical journey but a tale of finding grounding and belonging. This book is a must-read for children, promising to spark their imaginations and teach valuable lessons about love, friendship, and self-belief.