The House of Ilya

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
358 Pages
Reviewed on 09/17/2024
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Author Biography

I am a writer of narrative fiction, poetry, and history. In addition, I teach law to paralegal aspirants in an ABA accredited program at the University of California Riverside, and lecture on a variety of topics including the California Missions and The Pacific Crest Trail, for the Osher Foundation.

Unique life experiences are building blocks for all writers, and I am no exception. My interest in rare Academic disciplines has also had a significant influence on my work and given it a peculiar slant. These include a degree in Classical Civilization which focuses on Greco-Roman Art, History, Mythology, and Literature. An MA in Folklore and Mythology has led me to study the lore and language of diverse and sometimes forgotten cultures. A degree in Law prepared me as a rigorous researcher for much of my Non-Fiction and for painting realistic and historically accurate settings in my novels.

When not writing or teaching, you will find me on the Pacific Crest Trail or on local hikes in the California desert where I live with my wife and a Wheaten Terrier named Fergus Dublin McBrock, Esq.

    Book Review

Reviewed by David Jaggart for Readers' Favorite

The House of Ilya is a fascinating story about an officer and a woman who fall in love and the guide who interacts with them during their separate journeys. Anton is a young officer who travels to Alaska as an intermediary between a well-known Russian-American company and an Indigenous tribe. He is a man of upstanding character who defends the Tlingits tribe when the mission clashes with his sense of integrity. Nadia, on the other hand, is being sent to St. Petersburg to enhance her aristocratic lifestyle. A fleeting exchange between them results in a shared mutual attraction. Unknown to them, danger lies ahead for them both. A mysterious old Russian Cossack guides them on individual journeys in Russia. Surrounded by danger and uncertainty, will Anton and Nadia find their way back to each other? You will find the answer in Richard Leslie Brock's mesmerizing story.

The House of Ilya is a beautiful tale set in 18th-century Russia. This story is filled with sadness, betrayal, wit, adventure, romance, action, and suspense. Its quick-paced, engaging storyline and characters flawlessly merge to make this novel a bonafide page-turner. From the first page to the last, readers will become immersed in a hypnotic atmosphere awash with intrigue and wonder. Even though Anton and Nadia have distinct story arcs, their love is the anchor that draws them together. Richard Leslie Brock is a very descriptive writer. His novel is filled with stunning sceneries and well-researched historical elements. The scenes are so realistic--you'll feel like you're among the characters. If you are a fan of historical fiction, Russian literature, and romance tales, you should enjoy this captivating story.