The Light That Takes

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
42 Pages
Reviewed on 10/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jennifer Donovan for Readers' Favorite

The Light That Takes is a short story prequel to Blood of the Stars in The Half-Light Chronicles series by Karyne Norton. Gaeren, a half-light prince, is sailing in search of his beloved childhood friend who was kidnapped fourteen years ago. Aeliana, affectionately nicknamed Daisy by Gaeren, was only three years old when she was taken, and Gaeren has never stopped looking for her. The half-lights, who are descended from stars and gifted with magic, have long believed that humans no longer exist. Upon sighting a human ship beyond the magical, glassy barrier that separates the continents of the half-lights and the humans, Gaeren plunges into repressed memories of meeting, growing to love, and witnessing the abduction of his childhood friend when he was just eight years old.

There is an incredible amount of world-building, emotion, and character development packed into the pages of this short story. Despite being less than forty pages of narrative, The Light That Takes has the depth of a full-length novel. Karyne Norton’s prose is immediately immersive and leaves you desperate to know if Gaeran will succeed in finding Aeliana. The revelation that humans still exist on the other side of the barrier sets up the next novel to be filled with adventure and intrigue. I am curious to learn more about the special magic wielded by the half-lights. The Light That Takes is the perfect teaser for Blood of the Stars! I immediately added it to my TBR (to-be-read) list and intend to read it straight away.