The Magic


Children - Adventure
90 Pages
Reviewed on 07/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Constance Stadler for Readers' Favorite

The Magic: Empowered by JA Gandulla introduces the reader to Paul, who has found a ‘worry rock.' Not thinking much about it at first, he soon realizes it is a conduit to powerful magic, facilitating his transformations into an owl, a bear, and an octopus, with each animal teacher providing access to valuable life lessons. Having ties to legions of fae—better known as fairies—the resurrection of the stone’s emanating spark is a cause for their joyful awakening and concern that it is a potential threat. One of many elements that make the story so compelling is Paul’s movement between two realms. While engaging with fae and transformative identities, he has been traveling to a new home with his family. Sensing Paul’s trepidation, his mother offers encouragement. No matter what he experiences, welcoming the changes to come will serve him well. The young reader accompanies Paul as he meets his next animal tutor, the tardigrade, a microscopic organism whose existence predates dinosaurs by millions of years. This is his most important encounter, enabling Paul to bring together all he has learned. By the story's end, he embraces the determined tenacity of the ‘moxie’ within.

For young readers to best appreciate the story's relevance, the author offers cognitive tools to promote personalization. An accessible scientific explanation of tardigrade 'real-life’ existence complements Paul’s ongoing curiosity. There is also a helpful glossary. Learning that a ‘worry stone’ is used worldwide could be an engaging realization. What renders JA Gandulla’s prose so distinctive is its flow and integration. His mother’s guidance reflects the tardigrade approach to living, a philosophical outlook that speaks of their longevity. The writing is crisp, and the plot turns are often unexpected, ensuring an immersed young reader. The illustrations are distinct and muted, offering another opportunity for imaginative flight. When read with a parent or educator, The Magic: Empowered is as illuminating as it is exciting, exceeding the value of other books in this genre.