The Magic of Maxwell and His Tail

Children - Picture Book
32 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2014
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Author Biography

Maureen Stolar Kanefield has enjoyed over thirty years as an educator, passionately dedicated to teaching children of all ability levels, from special needs to gifted. An insatiable learner herself, she has sought ways, inside and outside the box including integrated curriculum instruction (language arts and social studies) and Gardner’s eight intelligences, for awakening children’s natural curiosity and guiding them to learning successes. The underlying purpose of her children’s books is to encourage young readers to recognize and celebrate their unique gifts.

“The Magic of Maxwell and His Tail” (September 2014, Magic Tale Press) is the first book in Maureen’s planned series of inspiring children’s picture books. Maureen is a member of the National Organization of Professional Women, Chicago Women in Publishing and the Society of Children’s Authors and Publishers.

Maureen lives in Chicago, her base for advocating on behalf of children for enhanced educational experiences.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

The Magic of Maxwell and His Tail by Maureen Stolar Kanefield is the charming and adventurous story of Maxwell the mouse. Maxwell is curious and he wants to know about everything. One day, he realizes that his tail is growing longer and he finds himself tripping over it. All his friends, including his best friend Mason, make fun of him. His problem becomes a good thing when he uses his tail for painting and he discovers magic in it. This clever story conveys the message of accepting personal challenges and turning them into success.

The book is a fun read and through that the author teaches children to accept their personal challenges and flaws, and celebrate them in a good way. Here Maxwell uses his tail to his advantage and creates beautiful artwork, plays instruments, whips up a delicious meal and other things. His adventures begin once he discovers that. The illustrations are beautiful and add to the appeal of the story, making it easier for kids to identify with the characters and scenes. It is a good bedtime story book for children and is also perfect to be used in classrooms and children's libraries for read aloud sessions. Children will find Maxwell the mouse adorable. His attitude towards accepting challenges and changing them to his advantage is motivational. The author has handled a relevant theme with a lot of expertise and shows kids how to handle personal flaws in a healthy way.