The Moon Behind the Clouds

Fiction - Literary
453 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Moon Behind the Clouds is a work of fiction in the cultural issues, interpersonal drama, and literary subgenres. It is best suited to mature readers owing to some explicit scenes that include violence, sexual violence, and other kinds of abuse. Penned by author Vasilis Taouxis, the tale explores the life of Azadeh, a young woman brought up in a poor family in Northern Iran. Oppressed by the culture around her and abused by those she ought to have been able to trust, Azadeh sets out on her own but learns even more harsh lessons about the world. Still, her fighting spirit never wavers.

Author Vasilis Taouxis has crafted a compelling and emotive drama that has much to teach us about the ongoing oppression of women and how it is masked as ‘traditionalism’ whilst untold horrors occur in the name of culture and religion. There’s a strong sense of empathy for Azadeh right from the off, and the atmosphere and scenery around her are crafted with both cultural detail and emotive touches to intensify the action and feelings of the scenes themselves. Her early life is heartbreaking, and later experiences are sometimes equally harrowing, but every raw moment feels suitably justified and adds to the incredible admiration and awe that you feel for her as she continues to survive and stay hopeful. Overall, The Moon Behind the Clouds is a powerful novel that is as emotive as it is educational, and I would not hesitate to recommend it to fans of accomplished writing and deeply felt, poignant, cultural, and literary novels.