The Night of the Moon Serpent

The World Beyond Trilogy Book 1

Young Adult - Adventure
111 Pages
Reviewed on 06/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Adanna Ora for Readers' Favorite

Only after Anna discovered that she was pregnant did her husband, Henry Luke, reveal to her that he was half-human, half-beast. This revelation shattered her. After the realization that there was nothing she could do about it dawned on her, Anna could only pray that her son be safe from inheriting his father's beastly form. Twelve years later, Anna, being a single mother after the sudden and strange disappearance of her husband in his workplace, wins a fellowship at the National University of San Pedro, where she goes to research ancient Peruvian art. In this place, Anna’s son, David Luke, despite his mother’s determination to protect him, is exposed to visions and strange transformations. Would Anna be able to protect her son from his father’s nature? Will she ever see her husband again? These and many more questions are answered in Amaia S. Li’s The Night of the Moon Serpent.

The Night of the Moon Serpent is told from an omniscient point of view with top-notch storytelling skills. Amaia S. Li’s fine blend of history, archaeology, and anthropology makes it a delight to read and shows the efforts expended in creating a wonderful story. I must admit that I learned so many new words while reading, and I also recommend it to those seeking to improve their vocabulary. The descriptive power of the words used and the imagery from each scene also make The Night of the Moon Serpent a must-read. The most striking feature for me was the portrayal of the true nature of a mother—nurturing, protective, and willing to do anything for her child. I enjoyed reading The Night of the Moon Serpent, and I hope others enjoy it as much as I did.