The Paloma Crossing

Hardin Steel

Fiction - Thriller - General
302 Pages
Reviewed on 07/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Angelique Papayannopoulos for Readers' Favorite

Randall Reneau's The Paloma Crossing is an action-packed crime novel that follows former DEA agent Hardin Steel as he serves as the sheriff of Cameron County, Texas. Despite his battle with alcohol, Hardin enjoys life along the Rio Grande with his beautiful girlfriend Rory and condo on South Padre Island. Hardin's life is then turned upside down when the fearless Ochoa Drug Cartel shoots down a DEA Blackhawk with a US stinger missile. Furthermore, newly appointed corrupt Judge Abbott is on Ochoa's payroll, and he arranged for his wife's murder and that of her lover Dennis, a good friend of Hardin's. To stop the ruthless assassin and murderer, Hardin assembles his trusting group of people and even crosses the line to undermine Ochoa every step of the way.

The Paloma Crossing is a detective-style novel packed with thrilling action, murders, shootings, romance, and humor. Randall Reneau takes the reader on a wild ride that spans many exotic locations with the intertwining storylines of the characters. There is great realism and credibility in both the heroes and the villains. This is a well-written and intense plot with plenty of twists and turns. A straightforward, descriptive, and informative narrative allows you to feel like you're part of the action. Readers will be able to appreciate that sometimes the law must be bent to achieve good ends. As the reader follows the threads of corruption, murder, double-crossing, and downfall, they become enthralled by the tale of revenge and justice. You'll enjoy this page-turning story about good battling evil by any means necessary.