The Posmenatt Way

Children - Grade K-3rd
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 01/06/2012
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Author Biography

Mr. Blackwelder is the proud father of two wonderful daughters and is the owner of H.O.W.S. Inc., a water treatment solution company. He has lived in Atlantic Beach, Florida for the past 30 years and enjoys fishing, surfing, staying fit and generally experiencing the beautiful North Florida outdoors. He is passionate about helping children and considers donating his time and knowledge to spread the word about the power of positive thinking a blessing and a privilege! He is an approved, featured, motivational speaker by the DCPS for over 100 elementary schools in the Duval County School System in Jacksonville, Florida. He speaks for thousands of elementary aged children each year about the need for and benefits of becoming a positive person!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Molly Edwards for Readers' Favorite

Having two boys under the age of 10, I am always looking for funny, informative and educational books that will keep their attention. Johnnie Blackwelder's book, "The Posmenatt Way" is a perfect example of one of those books. This book is both informative and highly educational. Filled with vibrant illustrations that coincide with the the story perfectly, Blackwelder does a fine job at creating a story that will capture the young readers' attention. Taking them on a trip alongside the Posmenatts, Blackwelder makes the children (young and old) feel as if they are on the journey with Petey and Penny.

On the P.M.A. Tree page, this book comes with a fine seek and find for the children to do. Each page is filled with rhyming and a story of keeping a positive attitude. Through easy to understand words and pictures, every young child from Kindergarten to age 10 will feel the power of positiveness through Petey and Penny. Each child will have an easy understanding of how to help others to be positive about themselves, no matter what. You'll have happy, healthy children who have lots of trust and wonderful friends, if they follow Petey and Penny and the rules of their P.M.A. tree.

Along the way of the adventure, Petey and Penny teach children of the P.M.A. cup that it is about having a half full -- not half empty -- attitude about doing things. With a little encouragement and believing in oneself, the positive mental attitude can go a long way. There is also a creed that the children can say promising to stay positive, be happy and never give up on anything and give everything their best shot. Then they'll be membesr of Petey and Penny's fun loving Posmenatt team!

I highly recommend this book to everyone who has a young child who likes to read. The illustrations will keep them hooked and the words are fun to follow along with. This would make a wonderful addition to any home library or to the children's section in a local library, and of course a fantastic storybook for all the young book lovers!