The Seashell Safe Harbor

Pier Pressure

Children - Adventure
28 Pages
Reviewed on 05/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

The Seashell Safe Harbor: Pier Pressure by Sherrie Schmidt is a kids’ adventure story. There’s a big parade coming up at the Seashell Safe Harbor, and everyone is excited. Happy the Sailboat passes the news on to Starfish Sue, who tells every other boat in the harbor. But not everyone is quite so happy to be in the parade. Some of them feel dirty and tatty and that no one will want to see them like that. Dolphin Rue gets together with Pelican Hugh and Starfish Sue to try to persuade them to join. With Happy the Sailboat’s captain, they soon have a plan in place. Will everyone be ready to take part in the parade? Will they live up to the parade’s motto, “Be Yourself?”

The Seashell Safe Harbor: Pier Pressure by Sherrie Schmidt is a great little storybook for children with a strong message. The illustrations are expertly drawn and full of color, and it’s a fun story about boats taking part in a parade. The story also teaches kids that they should be themselves and not try to be what everyone else thinks they should be. It tells kids that they should believe in themselves and their friends who appreciate their true value and see the real them. Sherrie has given every boat in the harbor a unique identity. These are fun characters and children will love this story and what it teaches them. The messages it conveys are more important today than ever before, given the amount of pressure on kids to be what others want them to be. This book should be a mainstream part of every school library and reading group, as well as being read at home.