The Secrets of Stonewood Sanitarium

Fiction - Suspense
156 Pages
Reviewed on 11/17/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Fourteen year old Nate Thompson begged his parents to go to baseball camp instead of a once in a lifetime trip to Brazil. He did not know that his life would change. A tragic plane crash took the lives of his parents and brother. His Aunt and Uncle have offered to let him live with them in Pennsylvania.

Nate can't imagine what he'll do on a rural farm miles from nowhere. Life will be such a bore. There is a mental hospital down the road about a mile. The stories his uncle shares has Nate's curious. On the same property is the old Stonewood Sanitarium that is now closed and boarded up. They told Nate to stay away from there. Nate is drawn to the place. When he first arrived at his uncle's house there was a crow on a fence post. It reminded him of what a carnival fortune teller told him,"Young Man, you have a mission, the crows will let you know."

Animals were missing from the local zoos. Bodies are missing from the local morgues. Nate finds a way into the basement of the old building. What he discovers brings danger.

The Secrets of Stonewood Sanitarium was a fast paced mystery, adventure, suspense that kept me turning pages to the very end. I could hardly wait to find out what would happen next. This book was written for middle school students but adults will enjoy it too.