The Tapestry of Life

The Lost Prophecy

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
150 Pages
Reviewed on 12/12/2013
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Author Biography

Vincent A. Gonzalez is a California resident and an avid reader of myths and legends. He currently attends Humboldt State University in northern California. Vincent is also a contributor to the Student Operated Press, writing articles on a variety of relevant issues. If not found doing research or studying, Vincent is usually found hiking or exploring the Redwood forest of the Pacific north coast.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

The Tapestry of Life - The Lost Prophecy by Vincent A. Gonzalez is a fantasy story. Urnarld is a young sorceress. She has lost her mother and that makes her eager to know what the future has in store for her. There is an empty void withing her, as if she is searching for something. She and her friend Sarearas come across an ancient prophecy. Urnarld finds herself thrust into a world of power, magic, and destiny. With the help of an old wizard and some of her friends, she battles evil and overcomes her troubles and problems.

I have always felt fantasy-themed books generate a lot of interest among readers because the genre is always creative, imaginative, and takes you into a world of magic and whimsy. This book also does just that. It is a charming story that has many twists and turns and the characters are original and well developed. The author's writing skills are note-worthy and the story has been woven well with contrasting images between light and darkness, good and evil. Fantasy stories always show the creative and imaginary power of the writer and this book reveals the imagination of the writer, and the magic he has created to make it an interesting read.

The book is interesting to readers of any age group. The development of the story and the plot is conceived keeping in mind a larger audience. Will Urnarld be able to fight evil and overcome all the troubles?