The Trinity Knot

Celtic Magic

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
284 Pages
Reviewed on 06/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

There’s a fairy curse on Mairi’s family. After her father’s death, Mairi and her brother, Jamie, are living in the mountains of northern California, with their grandfather. It is here she learns of the curse and is transported back in time to another Mairi, in rural Scotland, fighting the demons of curses that plague the Scottish legends. H.R. Conklin’s The Trinity Knot leads the reader in two parallel stories, past and present. Their grandfather shares amazing stories of Celtic lore and the fact that his bagpipes, with a certain chanter, can perform all manner of magical deeds, like helping someone travel through time. Mairi and Jamie learn, too, that they are druids and they have a lot to learn to preserve and use their growing magic wisely. What Mairi thought was going to be a boring summer with her grandfather in the isolated rural mountains suddenly turns into an amazing “Harry Potter” type of fantasy.

H.R. Conklin’s young adult novel, The Trinity Knot (Celtic Magic), is a fast-paced, engaging fantasy that will thrill readers of all ages. Told in the third person, the plot initiates the drama with a scene of Mairi in the sixteenth century, running for her life to protect the chanter she’s just stolen from a clansman. Jump forward in time and Mairi in the present day is suffering the loss of her father, coupled with the growing knowledge of who she really is and what powers she possesses. The jumps in time are well executed so readers don’t get lost. The descriptive narrative is solid and sets the stage for the action that follows. The characters are well-developed and the dialogue is used effectively. A fantastical read!