The Witch Collector

Witch Walker Book 1

Fiction - Fantasy - General
378 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Sadiyah Bhamjee for Readers' Favorite

Raina Bloodgood has carefully plotted her revenge on the Frost King and the Witch Collector. It is too bad that life has other plans in store for her. Darker enemies loom on the horizon and Raina loses everything she loves. But there is hope. Her sister is alive and one person can lead Raina to her. If only that person wasn’t the Witch Collector. Raina must decide on revenge or working with the Witch Collector to save her sister. The Witch Collector by Charissa Weaks is a story that questions what happens when a black-and-white world suddenly becomes grey.

Charissa Weaks’s portrayal of a non-speaking character, Raina, is incredible. I love the way that it is incorporated because it is not tokenism but proper inclusivity. Raina’s adaptation of magic is ingenious and beautiful while still showing how the world is made for those who can speak. The dialogue is also so thoughtful and creative. It flowed beautifully with Raina’s signing and the alternating of other characters signing. The action in The Witch Collector is carefully placed and set the pace so beautifully that I could not put it down. The inclusion of both Alexus's and Raina’s perspectives is a great addition to the narrative. Their differing views help balance the book and offer a richness to the tale. I loved the revenge, violence, steamy romance, twists that smack you in the face, adventure, and morally grey characters. The Witch Collector has everything I want in a romantic fantasy and more.