Unsolved No More

A Cold Case Detective's Fight For Justice

Non-Fiction - True Crime
344 Pages
Reviewed on 05/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Bernadette Longu for Readers' Favorite

In Unsolved No More: A Cold Case Detective's Fight For Justice, author Kenneth L Mains has written a soul-searching story about his life as a police officer and then as a detective, especially a detective who looks into cold cases that have remained unsolved. The author takes the reader on a heart-rending journey of discovery not only into the minds of the people who commit murder and mayhem but also into the minds of the people who have to solve these cases and try to bring the perpetrators to justice. This is a book that shows just how human police officers are. They try their best to serve and sometimes get a little praise but more often get condemned for what has happened.

In Unsolved No More, Kenneth L Mains shows throughout this book what it takes to investigate a murder, homicide, robbery, or kidnapping. The author does not whitewash how some officers take shortcuts or are too lazy to do their work properly, but, as he says, you get them in all walks of life. The author takes the reader on a road of discovery with many unusual twists and turns but the last twist in the tale is the most telling of all and will have the reader in tears. The story also is made more personal with the pictures that a very private man shares with his readers. Thank you for sharing your story with us, Kenneth. It is a journey of discovery, both good and bad, and we can all learn from it. A very insightful read showing the nitty-gritty of police work and how it can affect police officers and detectives. This book is well worth more than one read. I really enjoyed it.