Gildemer (The Gate Series 1) by AS Oren is a young adult fantasy story and the first in a series. On planet Gildemer, which has a white and a purple moon, the humakats (and others who are part human, part animal) live in a strict...
Gildemer (The Gate Series 1) by AS Oren is a young adult fantasy story and the first in a series. On planet Gildemer, which has a white and a purple moon, the humakats (and others who are part human, part animal) live in a strict...
Gran-sdur: The Games (The Pha-yul trilogy Book 2) by Jan Raymond is a grand fantasy story about five extraordinary teenagers. Maya, Sebastian, Ryan, and siblings Sam and Cassie learned in Book One that they have special powers. Mr. Harris, their school's football coach, taught them...
Gaia's Secret by Barbara Kloss is an exciting fantasy novel about a girl named Daria whose dad goes missing. To find her dad, she travels through a portal and finds herself in Gaia. Gaia is a land where magic exists. Everything Daria knew on Earth...
Gonebee’s Odyssey by Thomas William Fillinger is a brilliantly contrived science fiction novel about the adventures of the marsupial Gonebee Overhill, a master maintenance technician that, by accident, saves the life of the monarch of the planet Fedoria. Thus begin their adventures as Gonebee tries...
Gunther's Cavern is a young adult fantasy/science fiction novel written by Edward Etzkorn. Eleven of New Calar's kids went missing one day in July, and no one's seen them since. The authorities figure they've run away, but their parents fear kidnapping or worse. It's been...
I am in awe of anyone who even decides to attempt a tale this big. I am even more in awe of someone who completes at least one book in such a saga. If Wade Garret can complete the entire Kingdom Come series he may...
Lenita Sheridan’s Guardian of the Gauntlet is an amazing story of adventure, courage, and faith. Princess Camari is very different from her more sophisticated older sister, Mila. Camari loves her sister dearly, but secretly envies her daintiness and breath-taking beauty. Although the girls are best...
Chloe, a genius 16-year-old MIT student, is the main character of God Particle - A Chloe Johansson Thriller (Chloe Johansson Thrillers 1) by Toby Tate. She seems to have a rather good life until everything starts to go wrong when she sits in a library...
How would a sorcerer punish a thief? Ganfrey was caught by Ragonnard when she broke into his mansion and attempted to steal some of his belongings. The anti-social Ragonnard, however, was willing to overlook her crime on one condition; steal a painting for him from...
“Gravely Inanimated” by Esther Wheelmaker is Book 1 in 'The ZombiePunk Series' and it will have you anxiously awaiting the completion of Book 2. The debut work of the obviously very talented Ms. Wheelmaker, “Gravely Inanimated”, is an outstanding introduction to what she is capable...