A Dozen Wishes Around the Globe

Young Adult - Adventure
350 Pages
Reviewed on 08/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

A Dozen Wishes Around the Globe is a work of fiction by author Benjamin Bates for young adult readers in the action and adventure genres. In this whimsical tale, Gina, a lively genie, is expelled from her oil lamp and ends up slumbering inside a gemstone globe. She awakens ten years later to find she has four new wish masters: Brody, his cousin Ryan, popular Lilly, and rich Wesley. Gina's predicament worsens when the Cage of Atlantis, a dark relic, is accidentally released by the new masters, unleashing the malevolent Artificer. Faced with twelve wishes to fulfill and a growing crisis, Gina must rally her inexperienced masters to contain the chaos and prevent global disaster, all while managing their own wishful mishaps. Bates weaves a narrative filled with magic, humor, and unexpected consequences.

Benjamin Bates has crafted a delightful and engaging work that blends classic genie lore with contemporary teenage dynamics. Bates' portrayal of Gina as a genie with ancient wisdom grappling with modern troubles creates an endearing and relatable protagonist. The prose is lively and imaginative, effectively conveying the whimsical nature of the story while maintaining the tension of the overarching crisis. Bates demonstrates a talent for balancing humor with high stakes, creating a story that is both entertaining and suspenseful. The inventive twists, such as wishes gone awry and anime characters crossing into reality, show the author's creativity and ability to surprise readers. The dynamic between Gina and her new masters is well-developed, adding depth to the magical hijinks. Overall, A Dozen Wishes Around the Globe is a captivating and thoroughly enjoyable work that offers young readers a magical escape into a world where anything can happen, while subtly exploring themes of responsibility and consequences. I would certainly recommend it.