A Good Year

Good Year Series Book 1

Romance - Suspense
172 Pages
Reviewed on 05/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

A Good Year is the first book in the Hallowed Love Series by Tara Fox Hall. In an attempt to stop the sale of her beloved Pandora Productions to the Hollywood conglomerate Titan Pictures, Debbie makes a deal with a demon named Shaker, resulting in the deaths of her friend Rebecca and her manipulative husband, Paul. Now, as the head of Pandora Productions, Debbie makes sweeping changes to ensure the company thrives. With her new hire, Sheila, and her demon Shaker, Debbie resists the advances of Titan Pictures and their representative, Henry Castle. However, Paul's son Dante is willing to go to any lengths to acquire Pandora Productions with a powerful demon of his own. Meanwhile, Debbie and Shaker's relationship continues to grow further. Will Debbie be able to retain Pandora? What's next in store for Debbie and Shaker?

This is a delicious treat for lovers of supernatural romance novels. Filled with suspense, drama, and romance, A Good Year entertains from start to finish while keeping you on your toes with wild twists and turns. The premise itself is intriguing, and Tara Fox Hall builds on that promising foundation to spin an absorbing yarn, never letting you take your eyes off the pages. The characters have hidden motivations and wants, which makes it hard to predict their angles. Debbie and Shaker's relationship is the glue around which the plot revolves. I also liked the character of Sheila and her unorthodox relationship with Harp and Song. If you like romance novels with a healthy dose of the supernatural, this book is tailor-made for you.