A Little Getaway

A Spicy Suspense Thriller

Fiction - Thriller - Psychological
261 Pages
Reviewed on 08/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Manik Chaturmutha for Readers' Favorite

A Little Getaway by Bonnie Traymore is a suspense thriller that delves into the breakdown of a marriage in the backdrop of a secluded beach resort. The story kicks off as Morgan, the protagonist, becomes increasingly worried when she can't locate her husband, Kyle, during what should have been a pleasant weekend getaway. Her anxiety escalates upon discovering blood in the bathroom, leading her to believe something terrible has occurred. While searching for Kyle, Morgan is attacked by a masked assailant but successfully escapes. Furthermore, she learns about a sizable life insurance policy in her name, fueling her concerns that Kyle may intend to harm her. The narrative alternates between the present and flashbacks, providing insight into the couple's love, their subsequent drifting apart, and Morgan's suspicions about Kyle's commitment and involvement in financial misdeeds.

Bonnie Traymore's A Little Getaway is a well-written suspense novel that weaves together various timelines, narrative voices, and complex character relationships. The non-linear storytelling gradually exposes the characters' motivations and secrets, adding depth to the mystery and offering an engaging and satisfying read. Morgan is particularly well-developed. She is driven by fear, jealousy, and a desperate need to control her life, making her both relatable and unsettling. Her actions, though sometimes extreme, come from a deep fear of being betrayed or losing everything. Traymore does a great job of making these emotions feel genuine and relatable. The contrast between Morgan's personal struggles and the more composed Tara, who is a journalist investigating Kyle's disappearance, adds another layer to the story. Tara's curiosity and professionalism as she delves into the case sharply contrast with Morgan's emotional turmoil, highlighting their different approaches to the situation. The suspense is well-crafted, with each reveal adding new layers to the story. Traymore weaves a narrative filled with twists, keeping readers on edge as Morgan navigates a series of discoveries and, ultimately, a fight for survival. Overall, A Little Getaway has a strong plot, well-developed characters, and an effective use of suspense elements. For fans of suspense thrillers, this novel is worth reading.