A Long Way From Iowa

From the Heartland to the Heart of France

Non-Fiction - Memoir
294 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Christian Sia for Readers' Favorite

Janet Hulstrand's memoir, A Long Way from Iowa, is a captivating tale of self-discovery, family, and adventure that spans three generations of women who share a passion for reading, writing, and travel. The story begins in 1992 when the author discovers her grandmother's journals, written as a schoolgirl nearly 100 years earlier, in an unfinished attic in Brooklyn. This discovery leads her to her mother's and grandmother's hidden lives and unfulfilled dreams, setting the stage for a journey from Minnesota to New York, Washington, Paris, and other places. Hulstrand weaves a narrative that explores the dynamics of family relationships, the power of dreams, and the importance of persistence. With wit, humor, and honesty, she shares her struggles and triumphs as she navigates the challenges of marriage, motherhood, and midlife. Along the way, she finds solace in the stories of her ancestors and the journeys they took, both physically and emotionally.

Janet Hulstrand skillfully incorporates historical context, drawing from local newspaper accounts to recreate life in small-town Iowa in the early 20th century. She also shares her grandmother's letters and journals, which provide a unique glimpse into the lives of her ancestors. The prose is glorious, shining through every page, and the clear and compelling voice makes the memoir even more fascinating. The intersection between the past and the present is captured through the influence of literature and documented accounts of the author’s ancestors. The memoir is also a love letter to France, where Hulstrand eventually settles in a charming village. Her descriptions of life in rural France are vivid and evocative, making it easy to imagine the region's beauty and charm. A Long Way from Iowa examines the author’s courage to embrace change and adventure while deepening her connection with herself and her dreams.