A Tiny Christmas

Children - Christian
32 Pages
Reviewed on 09/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

One Christmas Eve, in a house for sale, a tiny family of mice was hoping for dinner. Unfortunately, there was no food to find because no one lived in the house. Mother Mouse left her five babies in their acorn beds and roamed the empty shelves. With tears in her eyes, she wondered how she could feed her children. Looking up at the brightest star in the sky, she stood on the window sill and cried her heart out. Was there anyone who could see her tiny home or learn of her plight? By chance, she saw something miraculous through the window. To find out what happens next, get a copy of A Tiny Christmas by Diana Wallis Taylor to witness a Christmas miracle.

A Tiny Christmas is a heartwarming story about a mother’s love and Christmas miracles. Although the story is short, the author managed to make me feel the character’s hopelessness and eventual joy. The story reminded me why it is important to give to the less privileged, not only during the festive season but when you can. Diana Wallis Taylor uses rhyming words and a calm tone that will appeal to children. The book has a profound message that applies to adults and children and illustrations that correspond with the story. I loved the starry Christmas lights because they gave the book a festive vibe. The characters were adorable, and the art perfectly captured their expressions. I recommend parents and guardians read this book with their children and teach each other the power of hope and the importance of giving.