A Wandering Warrior

Fiction - Adventure
212 Pages
Reviewed on 05/17/2013
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Author Biography

Harry E. Gilleland, Jr. is an award-winning poet and author who lives with his wife Linda in Shreveport, Louisiana.

At age 68, Harry, happily retired from his career as a Professor of Microbiology, now engages in writing full-time. “A Wandering Warrior” is Harry’s eighth published book.

Harry has published four books of his poetry as well as four works of prose. All of Harry's books are available at on-line booksellers, such as Amazon.com and/or barnesandnoble.com.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Samantha Rivera for Readers' Favorite

Thomas is a warrior in medieval England. He is not a knight or a squire. He is not well-known or incredibly exceptional (at least not that anyone knows) but all of that is about to change. Thomas has lived a rather commonplace life and hasn’t truly had to cope with a lot of problems though his mother and father died while he was very young. He, his uncle and his brother have had each other and have lived an adventurous life, but one that has not been terribly fraught with peril. Then comes the battle that changes all of those things and suddenly Thomas is all alone and has to make his way.

This story is filled with love and loss, hope and despair and you’ll definitely be rooting for Thomas to succeed. He has much to accomplish and much to do but he is not afraid to get started and get it done. This is what makes Thomas such an interesting character. Where most people would want to give up after half the things that he goes through, Thomas wants to keep fighting and keep making his way through life. He gets hurt, he falls in love and then he gets hurt again and again but he always gets back up and keeps fighting. This story isn’t just about Thomas though. It is also about the people he meets along the way. Emalda and Juliana are just as important as well and the way their lives tie into Thomas’s is part of what makes him such a good person throughout the story.