
An Alpha Male Curvy Girl Romance

Romance - Contemporary
361 Pages
Reviewed on 10/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Mimie Odigwe for Readers' Favorite

In Adonis by Asenia Brummet, when Landi finds a demi-god in the back of her truck, beaten to a pulp with a stomach wound that could kill him, she should have done the reasonable thing and called the police. Sheer compassion drives her to pull him into her house with the help of her doctor friend. There are only three rules: He must let her treat him until he is strong enough. He is not to mention his real name or what he does—he will go by Adonis. And when he finally leaves, he must not bring any trouble from his life back into hers. Tyr doesn’t understand the kind nurse tending to him. She is naïve and selfless, yet stubborn, and the more time they spend together, the more Tyr realizes how lonely she is beneath her cheerful façade. As he falls for her, it is clear there is no place for her in his fast-paced, secret life as a spy, and he has to choose before time runs out.

Adonis is a clean, fresh romance. While the physical attraction between Landi and Adonis is obvious, their relationship is rooted more in their emotional connection. Adonis becomes the loving presence, listening ear, and support Landi desperately needs. Landi herself is an enigma. How selfless can a woman be to fight relentlessly for justice, babysit her ex’s children, and care for a stranger—all while struggling to maintain two homes? The character development is well-executed. I enjoyed Landi's growth as she began to do what was best for her. Her friends, too, experience realistic growth throughout the story. Though there are mentions of rape and miscarriage, fans of wholesome romance will devour Adonis by Asenia Brummet.

K.C. Finn

Adonis by Asenia Brummet is a contemporary romance that follows Landi, a quirky nurse with a chaotic life, and Tyr, a mysterious ex-spy recovering in a small Canadian town. Despite her own struggles, including harassment and a lawsuit, Landi takes Tyr in, and their relationship develops against the backdrop of his secretive past and looming danger. Told from dual perspectives, the story mixes humor, suspense, and romance as their unlikely love blossoms amidst their personal challenges. The author writes with great enthusiasm for people and the scrapes they get themselves into. Brummet excels at creating dynamic, relatable characters, with Landi’s humor and resilience shining brightly amid the chaos of her life from the very opening of this inviting and charming read.

Tyr makes an ideal foil for her humor, and his fascinating and unusual background offers potential for danger and drama that is well-pitched to never get too ridiculous and keep the relationship drama focused and realistic. The dual POV format enhances the tension and gives many opportunities to leave readers hanging and biting their nails in suspense. It also gives readers a more balanced insight into both protagonists' emotional landscapes as they come together and discover surprising similarities amid their differences. The dialogue is snappy and engaging, infusing the narrative with every amusing complexity of small-town life. The author's ability to blend romance, suspense, and personal growth into a seamless, fast-paced narrative makes this a captivating, multi-dimensional read. Overall, Adonis by Asenia Brummet is a gorgeously penned, unique romance that I would certainly recommend to fans of charming and heartfelt love stories.

Luwi Nyakansaila

Adonis by Lady Senie is a slow-burn romance that follows Yolanda Granton, a nurse who discovers a strange injured man at the back of her rental truck. Despite her life falling apart, she cannot help but save him and let him recover in her house. Her nature is to be there for everyone, including her freeloading ex-boyfriend and his ever-pregnant wife. Yolanda has been living a suppressed life, but everything changes when the stranger she saves, Adonis, opens her eyes to the possibilities of love, self-discovery, and personal empowerment. As Yolanda navigates her chaotic life, Adonis catalyzes her transformation, encouraging her to reclaim her voice and prioritize her needs. However, Adonis will have to leave, and Yolanda must confront her fears and insecurities to choose between her old life of obligations and the newfound love and freedom that Adonis represents.

Adonis is a captivating story that will make your heart flutter. It is an engaging tale with mystery, drama, and real-life situations that will make you reflect on your friendships and family dynamics. Adonis is a charming character with secrets, but you cannot help trusting him. His calm nature and presence will make you fall in love with him alongside Yolanda. On the other hand, Yolanda is a loving soul whose evolution was beautiful to witness. Their story unfolds smoothly and is easy to follow and read. The drama is unpredictable and will keep you wishing for more. I loved the ending, but I look forward to the next chapter in these characters' lives. Lady Senie does not give much information about Adonis's side of life, so I hope that is explored in the next book. Overall, this is a great story and a must-read for anyone who loves romance novels with emotional depth and character growth.